List Connectors
There is a lot of information when it comes to Connectors!
- Instance / Name: instance is only displayed if you have multiple Kafka Connect instances configured, this is to distinguish between them.
- Class: the plugin used.
- Type: quickly understand what this connector does.
- Topics: which topics does the connector listen from or write into.
- Status / Tasks: red means trouble!
Here is a typical example with 6 Kafka Connect instances for multiple environments:
Error Management
Conduktor displays the connectors on the main list in error (clearly in red). In the details, it's possible to look at which task failed and why:
Restart / Pause / Stop
It's possible to restart a Connector or simply a task (or all tasks at once, different of a full connector restart).
- Restart a Connector
- Pause/Resume a Connector
- Restart ALL the tasks of a Connector
- Restart a particular task of a Connector
Connector States
A connector and its tasks can have different states:
- UNASSIGNED: no worker is picking it up!
Reset Connector Source Offsets
Kafka Connect stores connectors state inside Kafka itself.
Sometimes (mostly when testing), you want to reset a connector to start from "scratch", as it was the first time ever you've started it. Unfortunately, removing a Connector does not delete its state from Kafka. You can either:
- change the Connector name: Kafka Connect won't find any existing state obviously
- reset the source offsets: using Conduktor!
Conduktor will look for the partition containing the latest occurrence of your connector configuration, to know "where" to reset it.
Here is an example:
- my connector name: "my-connector" which is already stopped (ie: removed)
- my Kafka Connect offsets topic: "docker-connect-offsets"
- Click Lookup and let Conduktor find the partition and latest value
- Select the key and "RESET SOURCE OFFSETS"
- Restart your Connector (re-create it), it will start from scratch.
Create Connectors
We provide a wizard to easily create connectors. The available connector types depend on the Kafka Connect instance you're creating a connector. You can also simply load a JSON to init the wizard:
When you pick a Sink or a Source connector type (or Create From JSON), you have access to a nice wizard properly organized and fully documented (just hover the property names).
For instance, here, one of the step of the Elasticsearch Sink Connector:
Update Connector
It's possible to update a Connector by using this same wizard or simply by providing an updated JSON.