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Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Encryption and Decryption Processes
  3. Key Management
  4. Configuration
  5. Examples
  6. FAQ


This interceptor is designed to provide a robust and flexible solution for encrypting data within your Kafka records. The primary purpose of this feature is to ensure that sensitive data cannot be read by unauthorized third parties, thereby enhancing the security of your data both in transit and at rest.

The interceptor supports both field-level and full message encryption. Field-level encryption allows you to encrypt specific fields within your Kafka records, such as passwords or personal user information. This is particularly useful when only certain parts of the message are sensitive. Full message encryption, on the other hand, encrypts the entire Kafka record. This is useful when the entire message needs to be secured.

The encryption process is handled seamlessly by the interceptor, which identifies the data to be encrypted, retrieves the encryption key from the Key Management Service (KMS), encrypts the data, and then sends the encrypted message to its destination. The interceptor supports various encryption algorithms and KMS options, providing flexibility to suit your specific requirements.

The interceptor also supports decryption of the encrypted data. This can be done for all fields, specific fields, or the entire message, depending on your configuration. The decryption process is similar to the encryption process, with the interceptor identifying the data to be decrypted, retrieving the decryption key from the KMS, decrypting the data, and then making the decrypted message ready for consumption.

This interceptor is designed to be easy to configure and use, with various examples and detailed configuration options provided in this document. Whether you need to secure specific fields or entire messages, this interceptor provides a comprehensive solution for your data encryption needs in Kafka.

Encryption and Decryption Processes

How to Encrypt Data

  1. Data Identification: The interceptor identifies the data that needs to be encrypted. This could be the entire message or specific fields within the message, based on your configuration. For example, if you have specified password as a field to be encrypted in the fields configuration, the interceptor will identify this field in the incoming Kafka record.
  2. Key Retrieval: The interceptor retrieves the encryption key from the Key Management Service (KMS). The KMS could be Vault, Azure, AWS, GCP, or an in-memory service, depending on your configuration. The interceptor uses the keySecretId specified in the configuration to retrieve the correct key.
  3. Encryption: The interceptor encrypts the identified data using the retrieved key and the specified encryption algorithm. The encrypted data replaces the original data in the message.
  4. Transmission: Encrypted data is converted to json format and sent as a string to the destination.

How to Decrypt Data

  1. Data Identification: The interceptor identifies the data that needs to be decrypted. This could be the entire message or specific fields within the message, based on your configuration. The interceptor uses the fields configuration to identify which fields need to be decrypted.
  2. Key Retrieval: The interceptor retrieves the decryption key from the KMS. This is usually the same key that was used for encryption. The interceptor uses the keySecretId specified in the configuration to retrieve the correct key.
  3. Decryption: The interceptor decrypts the identified data using the retrieved key and the specified encryption algorithm. The decrypted data replaces the encrypted data in the message.
  4. Consumption: The decrypted message is then ready for consumption by the end user or application. The interceptor ensures that the decrypted data is correctly formatted and compatible with the Kafka record structure.

Please note that the encryption and decryption process is transparent to the end user or application. The interceptor handles all the operations, allowing you to focus on your core business logic.

Key Management


KMSKey Management Service
KEKKey Encryption Key, used to encrypt the DEK (Data Encryption Key) and stored in the KMS. Importantly, The KEK is never known to the interceptor.
DEKData Encryption Key, used to encrypt the data and was generated by the interceptor.
EDEKEncrypted Data Encryption Key, the DEK encrypted by the KEK.

Envelope Encryption

The interceptor uses the envelope encryption technique to encrypt the data. This technique uses two keys, a KEK and a DEK. The KEK is used to encrypt the DEK, which is then used to encrypt the data. The KEK is stored in the KMS, while the DEK is generated by the interceptor. The EDEK is stored alongside the encrypted data then sent to the destination.

When the data needs to be decrypted, if the DEK is not already known to the interceptor is takes the EDEK that's stored with the encrypted data and sends it to the KMS to retrieve the DEK. The interceptor then uses the DEK to decrypt the data.

To reduce the call to the KMS, the interceptor caches the DEK in memory. The time to live (TTL) of the cache is configurable, and the interceptor will call the KMS to decrypt the EDEK if the DEK is not in the cache.

With caching enabled, the interceptor will be able to use old versions of key for encryption when that key is rotated in the KMS. Configuring a low TTL will ensure that the interceptor will use the latest version of the key, but it is a trade-off between performance (increased calls to KMS) and security (using the latest key version).

envelope encryption


Encryption configuration

Field level encryption configuration

topicString.*Topics that match this regex will have the interceptor applied
schemaRegistryConfigSchemaRegistrySchema Registry config
recordValueRecordEncryptionConfigConfiguration of encryption record value
recordKeyRecordEncryptionConfigConfiguration of encryption record key
recordHeaderHeaderEncryptionConfigConfiguration of encryption record headers
externalStorageBooleanfalseChoose where to store your encryption settings. When set to false, encryption settings will be stored within message headers. When set to true, encryption settings will be stored in a topic that’s configured at deployment time.
kmsConfigKMSDefine multiple KMS

Schema Based field level encryption configuration

topicString.*Topics that match this regex will have the interceptor applied
schemaRegistryConfigSchemaRegistrySchema Registry config
kmsConfigKMSDefine multiple KMS
defaultKeySecretIdSecretKeyTemplatedefault keySecretId is a unique identifier for the secret key, can be a template for crypto shredding usecases
defaultAlgorithmAlgorithmAES128_GCMdefault algorithm to leverage
namespaceStringconduktor.Prefix of custom schema constrains for encryption

We'll use these custom schema fields for schema based field level encryption, assuming we're using default namespace (conduktor.)

conduktor.keySecretIdSecretKeyTemplatekeySecretId is a unique identifier for the secret key, can be a template for crypto shredding usecases
conduktor.tagsList[String]Field would be encrypted with defaultSecret, defaultAlgorithm when tags has element with is in the interceptor configuration.

See more about schema based field level encryption here


Use fields for field level encryption, use payload when encrypting the full message.

fieldsList FieldList of fields to be encrypted
payloadPayloadConfiguration of encrypting the entire payload


Use fields for field level encryption, use payload when encrypting the full message.

headerStringHeaders that match this regex will have the interceptor applied.
Warning: it can encrypt all headers including gateway headers
fieldsList FieldList of fields to be encrypted
payloadPayloadConfiguration of full payload encryption

Decryption configuration

topicString.*Topics that match this regex will have the interceptor applied
schemaRegistryConfigSchemaRegistrySchema Registry config
recordValueFieldsList[String]Only for field level encryption. A list of field names for decryption, an empty list would decrypt all fields
recordKeyFieldsList[String]Only for field level encryption. A list of field names for decryption, an empty list would decrypt all fields
recordHeaderFieldsList[String]Only for field level encryption. A list of field names for decryption, an empty list would decrypt all fields
kmsConfigKMSDefine multiple KMS


For field level encryption include this section in your interceptor config. Encryption interceptor allows encoding to each field:


Note that field-level encryption supports encryption/decryption of string and numeric fields (int, long, float, double). When using partial decryption with Avro schema registry, any numeric values that are not being decrypted will instead be masked with the minimum (most negative) value for the numeric type. This is to ensure the field is compliant with the type in the Avro schema.

fieldNameStringfield name to be encrypted/decrypted. Can be nested structure with dot . such as education.account.username or banks[0].accountNo
keySecretIdSecretKeyTemplateAES128_GCMkeySecretId is a unique identifier for the secret key, can be a template for crypto shredding usecases
algorithmAlgorithmAlgorithm to leverage


For full message encryption include this section in your interceptor config, instead of the above fields.
You can choose to ignore or have a blank fieldName. Supported formats are:

  • avro/protobuf/json schemas
  • string as json
  • raw string
  • integer
keySecretIdSecretKeyTemplateSecret key, can be a template for crypto shredding use cases
algorithmAlgorithmAES128_GCMAlgorithm to leverage

Secret Key template

Secret keys can be dynamic, leveraging mustache patterns like:

  • {{record.topic}} for inject record topic
  • {{record.key}} for inject record key
  • {{record.value.someValueFieldName}} for inject record field value from field someValueFieldName, someValueFieldName, must not be one of field names going to be encrypted/decrypted
  • {{record.value.someList[0].someValueField}} for inject record field value from field someValueFieldName at the first element of the list someList
  • {{record.value.someList[*].someValueField}} for inject record field value from all fields someValueFieldName of the list someList
  • {{record.header.someHeaderKey}} for inject header value with header key is someHeaderKey

Note: the value of a field will be replaced with the encrypted value. So it is not allowed to use the encryption field as the keyId.

If you want to use KMS to manage the secret key, you can use the following format to specify the keySecretId:

KMSKMS identifier prefixKey URI formatExample
In-Memoryany string is permitted as the secret key id

Note: If you want to use KMS(s) other than In-Memory KMS, you must ensure that the interceptor is configured with the correct KMS configuration.

Keys are string that starts with a letter, followed by a combination of letters, underscores (_), hyphens (-), and numbers. Special characters are not allowed. Also, it can work with the upper mustache pattern.

Algorithm Config

kmsKMSKMS to levarege


  • AES128_GCM (default)
  • AES256_GCM
  • AES128_EAX
  • AES256_EAX
  • AES128_CTR_HMAC_SHA256
  • AES256_CTR_HMAC_SHA256
  • CHACHA20_POLY1305
  • XCHACHA20_POLY1305


    • Note: This should be utilized for demo purposes only and should not be used in production setups. Keys may be lost when Gateway is restarted or interceptors are updated, reducing your ability to decrypt data that has already been written to Kafka.
  • AWS
  • GCP
keyTtlMslongThe key's time to live in milliseconds. Default is 1 hour, disable the cache by setting it to 0
vaultVault KMSVault kms configuration
azureAzure KMSAzure kms configuration
awsAWS KMSAWS kms configuration
gcpGCP KMSGCP kms configuration

Managed Identity

By default, all KMS default on managed identity. They will be overwritten if a specific KMS is configured.

KMSManged Identity
AWSSee more
GCPSee more
AZURESee more
VAULTLoad authentication information from env
  • VAULT_ENGINE_VERSION_ENV: Vault KV Secrets Engine version
  • VAULT_URI_ENV: Vault server base URI
  • VAULT_TOKEN_ENV: token to use for accessing Vault
  • VAULT_USERNAME_ENV: username to use for accessing Vault (used with VAULT_PASSWORD_ENV to build Token)
  • VAULT_PASSWORD_ENV: password to use for accessing Vault (used with VAULT_USERNAME_ENV to build Token)

Vault KMS

uriStringVault uri
tokenStringToken. For enhanced security, you can use the template ${MY_ENV_VAR} where MY_ENV_VAR is an environment variable
usernameStringUsername. For enhanced security, you can use the template ${MY_ENV_VAR} where MY_ENV_VAR is an environment variable
passwordStringPassword. For enhanced security, you can use the template ${MY_ENV_VAR} where MY_ENV_VAR is an environment variable

Note: You can select either Token auth method (using a token) or Userpass auth method (using a username and password) to access the Vault KMS. Ensure that you follow the appropriate method and provide the required configuration parameters accordingly.

Azure KMS

tokenCredentialAzureTokenCredentialsToken configuration
usernamePasswordCredentialAzureUsernamePasswordCredentialsToken configuration

Azure KMS token credentials

clientIdstringClient id. For enhanced security, you can use the template ${MY_ENV_VAR} where MY_ENV_VAR is an environment variable
tenantIdstringTenant id. For enhanced security, you can use the template ${MY_ENV_VAR} where MY_ENV_VAR is an environment variable
clientSecretstringClient Secret. For enhanced security, you can use the template ${MY_ENV_VAR} where MY_ENV_VAR is an environment variable

Azure KMS username password credentials

clientIdstringClient Id. For enhanced security, you can use the template ${MY_ENV_VAR} where MY_ENV_VAR is an environment variable
tenantIdstringTenant Id. For enhanced security, you can use the template ${MY_ENV_VAR} where MY_ENV_VAR is an environment variable
usernamestringUsername. For enhanced security, you can use the template ${MY_ENV_VAR} where MY_ENV_VAR is an environment variable
passwordstringPassword. For enhanced security, you can use the template ${MY_ENV_VAR} where MY_ENV_VAR is an environment variable


basicCredentialsAWSBasicCredentialsBasic credentials configuration
sessionCredentialsAWSSessionCredentialsSession configuration

AWS KMS basic credentials

accessKeyStringAccess Key. For enhanced security, you can use the template ${MY_ENV_VAR} where MY_ENV_VAR is an environment variable
secretKeyStringSecret key. For enhanced security, you can use the template ${MY_ENV_VAR} where MY_ENV_VAR is an environment variable

AWS KMS session credentials

accessKeyStringAccess Key. For enhanced security, you can use the template ${MY_ENV_VAR} where MY_ENV_VAR is an environment variable
secretKeyStringSecret key. For enhanced security, you can use the template ${MY_ENV_VAR} where MY_ENV_VAR is an environment variable
sessionTokenStringSession token. For enhanced security, you can use the template ${MY_ENV_VAR} where MY_ENV_VAR is an environment variable


serviceAccountCredentialsFilePathStringservice account key file in Google Cloud Platform (GCP). For enhanced security, you can use the template ${MY_ENV_VAR} where MY_ENV_VAR is an environment variable

Schema Registry

hoststringUrl of schema registry
cacheSizestring50This interceptor caches schemas locally so that it doesn't have to query the schema registry
additionalConfigsmapAdditional properties maps to specific security related parameters. For enhanced security, you can use the template ${MY_ENV_VAR} in map values where MY_ENV_VAR is an environment variable

See more about schema registry here

Schema Based Rules

  • Fields containing specific information with (keySecretId, algorithm, tags match) will be encrypted.
  • Field would be encrypted with the associated keySecretId, algorithm, if any missed, would be encrypted with the associated default ones in the interceptor configuration.
  • Field would be encrypted with defaultSecret, defaultAlgorithm when tags has element with is in the interceptor configuration.

Example for json schema, assuming we're using default namespace (conduktor.):

"$schema": "",
"title": "Customer",
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"name": { "type": "string" },
"username": { "type": "string" },
"password": { "type": "string", "conduktor.keySecretId": "password-secret", "conduktor.algorithm": "AES128_GCM"},
"visa": { "type": "string", "conduktor.keySecretId": "password-visa"},
"address": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"location": { "type": "string", "conduktor.tags": ["MY_TAG", "PII", "GDPR", "MY_OTHER_TAG"]},
"town": { "type": "string" },
"country": { "type": "string" }


  • password would be encrypted with the associated keySecretId, algorithm etc.
  • visa would be encryption with the associated keySecretId and the default algorithm provided in the interceptor configuration.
  • location would be encrypted with defaultSecret, defaultAlgorithm because tags has PII with is in the interceptor configuration.
  • fields containing no specific information (keySecretId, algorithm, tags without match) are left untouched.

Example for avro schema, assuming we're using default namespace (conduktor.):

"type": "record",
"name": "User",
"fields": [
{"name": "name", "type": "string", "conduktor.algorithm": "AES128_GCM"},
{"name": "age", "type": "int", "conduktor.keySecretId": "age-secret"},
{"name": "email", "type": "string"},
"name": "address",
"type": {
"type": "record",
"name": "AddressRecord",
"fields": [
{"name": "street", "type": "string", "conduktor.keySecretId": "street-secret"},
{"name": "city", "type": "string", "conduktor.keySecretId": "city-secret", "conduktor.algorithm": "AES128_GCM"}
{"name": "hobbies", "type": {"type": "array", "items": "string"}},
"name": "friends",
"type": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "record",
"name": "Friend",
"fields": [
{"name": "name", "type": "string", "conduktor.tags": ["MY_TAG", "PII", "GDPR", "MY_OTHER_TAG"]},
{"name": "age", "type": "int"}

Example for protobuf schema, assuming we're using default namespace (conduktor.): In Protobuf, since we are using the Confluent Schema Registry, we use the (confluent.field_meta).params (with type map<string, string) for field options. Here's how it can be defined:

  syntax = "proto3";

option java_package = "schema.protobuf";
option java_outer_classname = "User";

message Student {
string name = 1 [(confluent.field_meta).params = {conduktor.keySecretId: "name-secret", conduktor.algorithm: "AES128_GCM"}];
int32 age = 2 [(confluent.field_meta).params = {conduktor.keySecretId: "age-secret"}];
string email = 3 [(confluent.field_meta).params = {conduktor.keySecretId: "email-secret"}];
Address address = 4;
repeated string hobbies = 5;
repeated Friend friends = 6;

message Address {
string street = 1 [(confluent.field_meta).params = {conduktor.keySecretId: "street-secret", conduktor.algorithm: "AES128_GCM"}];
string city = 2 [(confluent.field_meta).params = {conduktor.keySecretId: "city-secret"}];

message Friend {
string name = 1 [(confluent.field_meta).params = {conduktor.tags: "[\"PII\", \"MY_TAG\"]"}];
int32 age = 2 [(confluent.field_meta).params = {conduktor.keySecretId: "friend-age-secret"}];


Simple Encrypt on Produce

"name": "myEncryptionPlugin",
"pluginClass": "io.conduktor.gateway.interceptor.EncryptPlugin",
"priority": 100,
"config": {
"topic": ".*",
"recordValue": {
"fields": [
"fieldName": "password",
"keySecretId": "password-secret",
"algorithm": "AES128_GCM"

Field level encryption on Produce

"name": "myEncryptPlugin",
"pluginClass": "io.conduktor.gateway.interceptor.EncryptPlugin",
"priority": 100,
"config": {
"topic": ".*",
"schemaRegistryConfig": {
"host": "http://schema-registry:8081"
"kmsConfig": {
"vault": {
"uri": "http://vault:8200",
"token": "vault-plaintext-root-token",
"version": 1
"azure": {
"tokenCredential": {
"clientId": "azure_client_id",
"tenantId": "azure_tenant_id",
"clientSecret": "azure_client_secret"
"recordValue": {
"fields": [
"fieldName": "password",
"keySecretId": "password-secret",
"algorithm": "AES128_GCM"
"fieldName": "visa",
"keySecretId": "{{record.header.test-header}}-visa-secret-{{record.key}}-{{record.value.username}}-{{}}",
"algorithm": "AES128_GCM"
"fieldName": "education.account.username",
"keySecretId": "{{record.header.test-header}}-secret-key-account-username-{{record.topic}}",
"algorithm": "AES128_GCM"

Field level encryption on Produce with secured template

"name": "myEncryptPlugin",
"pluginClass": "io.conduktor.gateway.interceptor.EncryptPlugin",
"priority": 100,
"config": {
"topic": ".*",
"schemaRegistryConfig": {
"host": "http://schema-registry:8081",
"additionalConfigs": {
"schema.registry.url": "${SR_URL}",
"basic.auth.credentials.source": "${SR_BASIC_AUTH_CRED_SRC}",
"kmsConfig": {
"vault": {
"uri": "http://vault:8200",
"token": "${VAULT_TOKEN}",
"version": 1
"azure": {
"tokenCredential": {
"clientId": "${AZURE_CLIENT_ID}",
"tenantId": "${AZURE_TENANT_ID}",
"clientSecret": "${AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET}"
"recordValue": {
"fields": [
"fieldName": "password",
"keySecretId": "password-secret",
"algorithm": "AES128_GCM"
"fieldName": "visa",
"keySecretId": "{{record.header.test-header}}-visa-secret-{{record.key}}-{{record.value.username}}-{{}}",
"algorithm": "AES128_GCM"
"fieldName": "education.account.username",
"keySecretId": "{{record.header.test-header}}-secret-key-account-username-{{record.topic}}",
"algorithm": "AES128_GCM"

Schema Based field level encryption on Produce

"name": "mySchemaBasedEncryptPlugin",
"pluginClass": "io.conduktor.gateway.interceptor.EncryptSchemaBasedPlugin",
"priority": 100,
"config": {
"topic": ".*",
"schemaRegistryConfig": {
"host": "http://schema-registry:8081"
"kmsConfig": {
"vault": {
"uri": "http://vault:8200",
"token": "vault-plaintext-root-token",
"version": 1
"azure": {
"tokenCredential": {
"clientId": "azure_client_id",
"tenantId": "azure_tenant_id",
"clientSecret": "azure_client_secret"
"defaultKeySecretId": "myDefaultKeySecret",
"defaultAlgorithm": "AES128_EAX",
"tags": ["PII", "ENCRYPTION"],
"namespace": "conduktor."

Full message level encryption on Produce

"name": "myEncryptPlugin",
"pluginClass": "io.conduktor.gateway.interceptor.EncryptPlugin",
"priority": 100,
"config": {
"topic": ".*",
"schemaRegistryConfig": {
"host": "http://schema-registry:8081"
"kmsConfig": {
"vault": {
"uri": "http://vault:8200",
"token": "vault-plaintext-root-token",
"version": 1
"azure": {
"tokenCredential": {
"clientId": "azure_client_id",
"tenantId": "azure_tenant_id",
"clientSecret": "azure_client_secret"
"recordValue": {
"payload": {
"keySecretId": "{{record.header.test-header}}-secret-key-account-username-{{record.topic}}",
"algorithm": "AES128_GCM"

Full message level encryption on Produce with secured template

"name": "myEncryptPlugin",
"pluginClass": "io.conduktor.gateway.interceptor.EncryptPlugin",
"priority": 100,
"config": {
"topic": ".*",
"schemaRegistryConfig": {
"host": "http://schema-registry:8081",
"additionalConfigs": {
"schema.registry.url": "${SR_URL}",
"basic.auth.credentials.source": "${SR_BASIC_AUTH_CRED_SRC}",
"kmsConfig": {
"vault": {
"uri": "http://vault:8200",
"token": "${VAULT_TOKEN}",
"version": 1
"azure": {
"tokenCredential": {
"clientId": "${AZURE_CLIENT_ID}",
"tenantId": "${AZURE_TENANT_ID}",
"clientSecret": "${AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET}"
"recordValue": {
"payload": {
"keySecretId": "{{record.header.test-header}}-secret-key-account-username-{{record.topic}}",
"algorithm": "AES128_GCM"

Encryption on Consume

"name": "myEncryptPlugin",
"pluginClass": "io.conduktor.gateway.interceptor.FetchEncryptPlugin",
"priority": 100,
"config": {
"topic": ".*",
"schemaRegistryConfig": {
"host": "http://schema-registry:8081"
"kmsConfig": {
"vault": {
"uri": "http://vault:8200",
"token": "vault-plaintext-root-token",
"version": 1
"recordValue": {
"fields": [
"fieldName": "password",
"keySecretId": "password-secret",
"algorithm": "AES128_GCM"
"fieldName": "visa",
"keySecretId": "vault-kms://{{record.header.test-header}}-visa-secret-{{record.key}}-{{record.value.username}}-{{}}",
"algorithm": "AES128_GCM"
"fieldName": "education.account.username",
"keySecretId": "{{record.header.test-header}}-secret-key-account-username-{{record.topic}}",
"algorithm": "AES128_GCM"

Schema Based field level encryption on Consume

"name": "mySchemaBasedEncryptPlugin",
"pluginClass": "io.conduktor.gateway.interceptor.FetchEncryptSchemaBasedPlugin",
"priority": 100,
"config": {
"topic": ".*",
"schemaRegistryConfig": {
"host": "http://schema-registry:8081"
"kmsConfig": {
"vault": {
"uri": "http://vault:8200",
"token": "vault-plaintext-root-token",
"version": 1
"azure": {
"tokenCredential": {
"clientId": "azure_client_id",
"tenantId": "azure_tenant_id",
"clientSecret": "azure_client_secret"
"defaultKeySecretId": "myDefaultKeySecret",
"defaultAlgorithm": "AES128_EAX",
"tags": ["PII", "ENCRYPTION"],
"namespace": "conduktor."

Encryption on Consume with secured template

"name": "myEncryptPlugin",
"pluginClass": "io.conduktor.gateway.interceptor.FetchEncryptPlugin",
"priority": 100,
"config": {
"topic": ".*",
"schemaRegistryConfig": {
"host": "http://schema-registry:8081",
"additionalConfigs": {
"schema.registry.url": "${SR_URL}",
"basic.auth.credentials.source": "${SR_BASIC_AUTH_CRED_SRC}",
"kmsConfig": {
"vault": {
"uri": "http://vault:8200",
"token": "${VAULT_TOKEN}",
"version": 1
"recordValue": {
"fields": [
"fieldName": "password",
"keySecretId": "password-secret",
"algorithm": "AES128_GCM"
"fieldName": "visa",
"keySecretId": "vault-kms://{{record.header.test-header}}-visa-secret-{{record.key}}-{{record.value.username}}-{{}}",
"algorithm": "AES128_GCM"
"fieldName": "education.account.username",
"keySecretId": "{{record.header.test-header}}-secret-key-account-username-{{record.topic}}",
"algorithm": "AES128_GCM"

Decrypt all fields

"name": "myDecryptPlugin",
"pluginClass": "io.conduktor.gateway.interceptor.DecryptPlugin",
"priority": 100,
"config": {
"topic": ".*",
"schemaRegistryConfig": {
"host": "http://schema-registry:8081"
"kmsConfig": {
"vault": {
"uri": "http://vault:8200",
"token": "vault-plaintext-root-token",
"version": 1

Decrypt all fields with secured template

"name": "myDecryptPlugin",
"pluginClass": "io.conduktor.gateway.interceptor.DecryptPlugin",
"priority": 100,
"config": {
"topic": ".*",
"schemaRegistryConfig": {
"host": "http://schema-registry:8081",
"additionalConfigs": {
"schema.registry.url": "${SR_URL}",
"basic.auth.credentials.source": "${SR_BASIC_AUTH_CRED_SRC}",
"kmsConfig": {
"vault": {
"uri": "http://vault:8200",
"token": "${VAULT_TOKEN}",
"version": 1

Decrypt specific fields

"name": "myDecryptPlugin",
"pluginClass": "io.conduktor.gateway.interceptor.DecryptPlugin",
"priority": 100,
"config": {
"topic": ".*",
"schemaRegistryConfig": {
"host": "http://schema-registry:8081"
"kmsConfig": {
"vault": {
"uri": "http://vault:8200",
"token": "vault-plaintext-root-token",
"version": 1
"recordValueFields": [
"recordKeyFields": [
"recordHeaderFields": [

Decrypt specific fields with secured template

"name": "myDecryptPlugin",
"pluginClass": "io.conduktor.gateway.interceptor.DecryptPlugin",
"priority": 100,
"config": {
"topic": ".*",
"schemaRegistryConfig": {
"host": "http://schema-registry:8081",
"additionalConfigs": {
"schema.registry.url": "${SR_URL}",
"basic.auth.credentials.source": "${SR_BASIC_AUTH_CRED_SRC}",
"kmsConfig": {
"vault": {
"uri": "http://vault:8200",
"token": "${VAULT_TOKEN}",
"version": 1
"recordValueFields": [
"recordKeyFields": [
"recordHeaderFields": [

Decrypt full message

"name": "myDecryptPlugin",
"pluginClass": "io.conduktor.gateway.interceptor.DecryptPlugin",
"priority": 100,
"config": {
"topic": ".*",
"kmsConfig": {
"vault": {
"uri": "http://vault:8200",
"token": "vault-plaintext-root-token",
"version": 1

Decrypt full message with secured template

"name": "myDecryptPlugin",
"pluginClass": "io.conduktor.gateway.interceptor.DecryptPlugin",
"priority": 100,
"config": {
"topic": ".*",
"kmsConfig": {
"vault": {
"uri": "http://vault:8200",
"token": "${VAULT_TOKEN}",
"version": 1

Frequently Asked Questions

Does the interceptor support key rotation?

Key rotation is an important aspect of cryptographic key management. However, key rotation is not directly supported by the interceptor. Key rotation is typically handled at the KMS level. When a key is rotated in the KMS, the interceptor will automatically start using the new key for encryption and decryption.

Is the KMS called on a per-message basis?

It depends on the configuration. If the interceptor is configured to cache the keys, it will only call the KMS when the key is not found in the cache. If the interceptor is not configured to cache the keys, it will call the KMS on a per-message basis. See the Key Management section for more details.

What happens if the interceptor is unable to encrypt the message?

If the interceptor is unable to encrypt the message, it will throw an error and the message will not be sent to the destination. This ensures that sensitive data is always encrypted before it is sent to the destination.

What happens if the interceptor is unable to decrypt the message?

If the interceptor is unable to decrypt the message, the encrypted message will be returned to the client. It ensures that sensitive data is not exposed to unauthorized third parties.

When we talk to the KMS? Do we store the keys in the interceptor?

The interceptor will cache the keys in memory. The time to live (TTL) of the cache is configurable, and the interceptor will call the KMS to decrypt the key if it is not found in the cache. See the Key Management section for more details.

Can I use encrypted data as the keySecretId?

No, you cannot use encrypted data as the keySecretId. Because the value of a field will be replaced with the encrypted value. So it is not allowed to use the encryption field as the keyId.

What is the difference between the Encryption on Produce interceptor and the Encryption on Consume interceptor?

The Encryption on Produce interceptor is used to encrypt data before it is sent to the destination. The Encryption on Consume interceptor is used to decrypt data before it is consumed by the end user or application.

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