Release date: 2024-06-05
AclsInterceptorPlugin removed
Kafka ACLs are now fully integrated in the Core Features of Conduktor Gateway.
If you were using the AclsInterceptorPlugin, make sure to enable ACLs while upgrading the Gateway to 3.1.0.
To enable ACLs set the environment variable GATEWAY_ACL_STORE_ENABLED=true
- Concentrated Topics can now be created with auto-managed flag. Backing topics will be automatically created and extended.
- Added support for Azure Managed Identity for Kafka authentication
- Added an optional configuration for SNI routing to define the separator to use when building host domain for brokers
- Added more context relative to interceptors in Audit logs
- Added the client & version (kafka-client, librdkafka, ...) of the client in the Audit logs on CONNECTED event
General fixes 🔨
- Added Schema Registry validation on encryption plugins
- Fixed an issue where the KMS Key would not be created if it didn't exist
- Fixed an issue with logger API