📄️ Simulate Broken Brokers
Validate your application behaves correctly when broker errors occur.
📄️ Simulate Duplicate Messages
Validate your application behaves correctly when duplicate records arise
📄️ Simulate Invalid Schema ID
Validate your application behaves correctly when records have an invalid schema id.
📄️ Simulate Latency On All Interactions
Validate your application behaves correctly when there are delays in responses from the Kafka cluster.
📄️ Simulate Leader Election Errors
Ensure that Kafka applications are resilient to errors returned during a leader election.
📄️ Simulate Message Corruption
Validate malformed messages are handled by you consumer applications.
📄️ Simulate Slow Brokers
Validate your application behaves correctly when there are delays in responses from the Kafka cluster.
📄️ Simulate Slow Producers and Consumers
Validate your application behaves correctly when there are delays in responses from the Kafka cluster.