Environment Variables
Set environment variables
Configuring environment variables is the recommended method for setting up Conduktor Gateway. They can be set in the Gateway container, or taken from a file. You can make sure the values have been properly set by checking the startup logs.
In the container
For Docker
You can set them during the docker-run command with -e
or --env
docker run -d \
-e KAFKA_BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS=kafka1:9092,kafka2:9092 \
-e KAFKA_SASL_JAAS_CONFIG="org.apache.kafka.common.security.plain.PlainLoginModule required username='usr' password='pwd';" \
-p 6969:6969 \
Or in a docker-compose.yaml
image: conduktor/conduktor-gateway:latest
- 6969:6969
KAFKA_BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS: kafka1:9092,kafka2:9092
KAFKA_SASL_JAAS_CONFIG: org.apache.kafka.common.security.plain.PlainLoginModule required username='usr' password='pwd';
For Kubernetes
You can set them in the values.yaml
of our Helm chart:
KAFKA_BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS: kafka1:9092,kafka2:9092
KAFKA_SASL_JAAS_CONFIG: org.apache.kafka.common.security.plain.PlainLoginModule required username='usr' password='pwd';
Using a file
You can mount a file that contains the key-value pairs into the container and provide its path by setting the environment variable GATEWAY_ENV_FILE
KAFKA_SASL_JAAS_CONFIG=org.apache.kafka.common.security.plain.PlainLoginModule required username='usr' password='pwd';
You'll get a confirmation in the logs: Sourcing environment variables from $GATEWAY_ENV_FILE
, or a warning if the file is not found: Warning: GATEWAY_ENV_FILE is set but the file does not exist or is not readable.
Port & SNI routing
Environment variable | Description | Default value |
Common Properties | ||
GATEWAY_ADVERTISED_HOST | The hostname returned in the Gateway’s metadata for clients to connect to. | Your hostname |
GATEWAY_ROUTING_MECHANISM | Defines the routing method: port for port routing, host for SNI routing. | port |
GATEWAY_PORT_START | The first port the Gateway listens on. | 6969 |
GATEWAY_MIN_BROKERID | The broker ID associated with the first port (GATEWAY_PORT_START ). Should match the lowest broker.id (or node.id ) in the Kafka cluster. | 0 |
GATEWAY_BIND_HOST | The network interface the Gateway binds to. | |
Port routing specific | ||
GATEWAY_PORT_COUNT | The total number of ports used by the Gateway. | (maxBrokerId - minBrokerId) + 3 |
SNI routing specific | ||
GATEWAY_ADVERTISED_SNI_PORT | The port returned in the Gateway’s metadata for clients to connect to when using SNI routing. | GATEWAY_PORT_START |
GATEWAY_ADVERTISED_HOST_PREFIX | Configures the advertised broker names. | broker |
GATEWAY_SECURITY_PROTOCOL | Defines the security protocol clients should use to connect to the Gateway. Must be set to SSL , SASL_SSL , or DELEGATED_SASL_SSL for SNI routing. | The default value depends on KAFKA_SECURITY_PROTOCOL. ![]() |
GATEWAY_SNI_HOST_SEPARATOR | The separator used to construct returned metadata. | - |
Load Balancing
Environment variable | Description | Default value |
GATEWAY_CLUSTER_ID | A unique identifier for a given Gateway cluster, this is used to establish Gateway cluster membership for load balancing. | gateway |
GATEWAY_FEATURE_FLAGS_INTERNAL_LOAD_BALANCING | Whether to use Conduktor Gateway's internal load balancer to balance connections between Gateway instances. | true |
GATEWAY_RACK_ID | Similar as broker.rack . |
Environment variable | Description | Default value |
GATEWAY_HTTP_PORT | The port on which the gateway will present the HTTP management API. | 8888 |
GATEWAY_SECURED_METRICS | Determines whether the HTTP management API requires authentication. | true |
GATEWAY_ADMIN_API_USERS | Users that can access the API. Note: Admin access is required for write operations. Setting admin: true grants read-only access. | [{username: admin, password: conduktor, admin: true}] |
HTTPS Configuration | ||
GATEWAY_HTTPS_KEY_STORE_PATH | Enables HTTPS and specifies the keystore to use for TLS connections. | |
GATEWAY_HTTPS_KEY_STORE_PASSWORD | Sets the password for the keystore used in HTTPS TLS connections. | |
GATEWAY_HTTPS_CLIENT_AUTH | Client authentication configuration for mTLS. Possible values: NONE , REQUEST , REQUIRED . | NONE |
GATEWAY_HTTPS_TRUST_STORE_PATH | Specifies the truststore used for mTLS. | |
GATEWAY_HTTPS_TRUST_STORE_PASSWORD | Password for the truststore defined above. |
Upstream Connection
Environment variable | Description | Default value |
GATEWAY_UPSTREAM_CONNECTION_POOL_TYPE | Upstream connection pool type. Possible values are NONE (no connection pool), ROUND_ROBIN (Round robin selected connection pool) | NONE |
GATEWAY_UPSTREAM_NUM_CONNECTION | The number of connections between Conduktor Gateway and Kafka per upstream thread. Used only when ROUND_ROBIN is enabled. | 10 |
Environment variable | Description | Default value |
GATEWAY_LICENSE_KEY | License key | None |
Connection from Gateway to Kafka
Conduktor Gateway's connection to Kafka are configured by the KAFKA_
environment variables.
When translating Kafka's properties, use upper case instead and replace the .
with _
For example;
When defining Gateway's Kafka property bootstrap.servers
, declare it as the environment variable KAFKA_BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS
Any variable prefixed with KAFKA_
will be treated as a connection parameter by Gateway.
You can find snippets for each security protocol on this page.
Connection from Clients to Gateway
Environment variable | Description | Default value |
GATEWAY_SECURITY_PROTOCOL | The type of authentication clients should use to connect to the gateway, valid values are PLAINTEXT , SASL_PLAINTEXT , SASL_SSL , SSL , DELEGATED_SASL_PLAINTEXT and DELEGATED_SASL_SSL . | The default value depends on KAFKA_SECURITY_PROTOCOL. ![]() |
GATEWAY_FEATURE_FLAGS_MANDATORY_VCLUSTER | If no virtual cluster was detected, then user automatically falls back into the transparent virtual cluster, named passthrough . Reject authentication if set to true and vcluster is not configured for a principal. | false |
GATEWAY_ACL_ENABLED | Enable/Disable ACLs support on the Gateway transparent virtual cluster (passthrough ) only. | false |
GATEWAY_SUPER_USERS | Coma-separated list of service accounts that will be super users on the Gateway (excluding Virtual Clusters). Example: alice,bob . If not set, it falls back to the usernames defined in the GATEWAY_ADMIN_API_USERS . | Usernames from GATEWAY_ADMIN_API_USERS |
GATEWAY_ACL_STORE_ENABLED | Obsolete, use VirtualCluster resource now Enable/Disable ACLs support for Virtual Clusters only. | false |
GATEWAY_AUTHENTICATION_CONNECTION_MAX_REAUTH_MS | Force the client reauthentication after this amount of time. If set to 0, we never force the client to reauthenticate | 0 |
See Client Authentication for details.
Environment variable | Description | Default value |
Keystore | ||
GATEWAY_SSL_KEY_STORE_PATH | Path to a mounted keystore for SSL connections | |
GATEWAY_SSL_KEY_STORE_PASSWORD | Password for the keystore defined above | |
GATEWAY_SSL_KEY_PASSWORD | Password for the key contained in the store above | |
GATEWAY_SSL_KEY_TYPE | jks or pkcs12 | jks |
GATEWAY_SSL_UPDATE_CONTEXT_INTERVAL_MINUTES | Interval in minutes to refresh SSL context | 5 |
Truststore (for mTLS) | ||
GATEWAY_SSL_TRUST_STORE_PATH | Path to a keystore for SSL connections | |
GATEWAY_SSL_TRUST_STORE_PASSWORD | Password for the truststore defined above | |
GATEWAY_SSL_TRUST_STORE_TYPE | jks , pkcs12 | jks |
GATEWAY_SSL_CLIENT_AUTH | NONE will not request client authentication, OPTIONAL will request client authentication, REQUIRE will require client authentication | NONE |
GATEWAY_SSL_PRINCIPAL_MAPPING_RULES | mTLS leverages SSL mutual authentication to identify a Kafka client. Principal for mTLS connection can be detected from the subject certificate using the same feature as in Apache Kafka, the SSL principal mapping | extracts the Subject |
Some of these definitions are taken from the Kafka documentation, e.g. SASL_OAUTHBEARER_JWKS_ENDPOINT_REFRESH.
Environment variable | Description |
GATEWAY_OAUTH_JWKS_URL | The OAuth/OIDC provider URL from which the provider's JWKS (JSON Web Key Set) can be retrieved. The URL can be HTTP(S)-based or file-based. |
GATEWAY_OAUTH_EXPECTED_ISSUER | The (optional) setting for the broker to use to verify that the JWT was created by the expected issuer. The JWT will be inspected for the standard OAuth iss claim and if this value is set, the broker will match it exactly against what is in the JWT's iss claim. If there is no match, the broker will reject the JWT and authentication will fail |
GATEWAY_OAUTH_EXPECTED_AUDIENCES | The (optional) comma-delimited setting for the broker to use to verify that the JWT was issued for one of the expected audiences. The JWT will be inspected for the standard OAuth aud claim and if this value is set, the broker will match the value from JWT's aud claim to see if there is an exact match. If there is no match, the broker will reject the JWT and authentication will fail. |
GATEWAY_OAUTH_JWKS_REFRESH | The (optional) value in milliseconds for the broker to wait between refreshing its JWKS (JSON Web Key Set) cache that contains the keys to verify the signature of the JWT. |
GATEWAY_OAUTH_JWKS_RETRY | The (optional) value in milliseconds for the initial wait between JWKS (JSON Web Key Set) retrieval attempts from the external authentication provider. JWKS retrieval uses an exponential backoff algorithm with an initial wait based on the sasl.oauthbearer.jwks.endpoint.retry.backoff.ms setting and will double in wait length between attempts up to a maximum wait length specified by the sasl.oauthbearer.jwks.endpoint.retry.backoff.max.ms setting |
GATEWAY_OAUTH_JWKS_MAX_RETRY | The (optional) value in milliseconds for the maximum wait between attempts to retrieve the JWKS (JSON Web Key Set) from the external authentication provider. JWKS retrieval uses an exponential backoff algorithm with an initial wait based on the sasl.oauthbearer.jwks.endpoint.retry.backoff.ms setting and will double in wait length between attempts up to a maximum wait length specified by the sasl.oauthbearer.jwks.endpoint.retry.backoff.max.ms setting |
GATEWAY_OAUTH_SCOPE_CLAIM_NAME | The OAuth claim for the scope is often named scope , but this (optional) setting can provide a different name to use for the scope included in the JWT payload's claims if the OAuth/OIDC provider uses a different name for that claim. |
GATEWAY_OAUTH_SUB_CLAIM_NAME | The OAuth claim for the subject is often named sub , but this (optional) setting can provide a different name to use for the subject included in the JWT payload's claims if the OAuth/OIDC provider uses a different name for that claim. |
See Client Authentication for details.
Environment variable | Description | Default value |
GATEWAY_USER_POOL_SECRET_KEY | If using SASL_PLAIN or SASL_SSL, you have the ability to create local service accounts on the Gateway. These service accounts will have credentials generated by the Gateway based on the GATEWAY_USER_POOL_SECRET_KEY . This is why, for production deployment, we strongly recommend you change this value. | A default value is used to sign tokens and must be changed. |
GATEWAY_USER_POOL_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_REQUIRED | If true, verify the existence of user mapping for the service account when the user connects in Non-Delegated SASL/PLAIN mode. | false |
Security provider
Environment variable | Description | Default value |
GATEWAY_SECURITY_PROVIDER | Specify your security provider, can be DEFAULT (from your JRE), BOUNCY_CASTLE , BOUNCY_CASTLE_FIPS and CONSCRYPT . Please note that CONSCRYPT does not support Mac OS with aarch64. | DEFAULT |
Cluster Switching / Failover
Setting up your Kafka clusters for failover is similar to the standard setup, but you need to provide two sets of properties: one for your main cluster and one for your failover cluster. You can define these properties as environment variables, or load a clusters configuration file if you prefer.
Environment variable | Description |
GATEWAY_BACKEND_KAFKA_SELECTOR | Indicates the use of a configuration file and provides its path, e.g., 'file: { path: /cluster-config.yaml }' . |
KAFKA_FAILOVER_GATEWAY_ROLES | Set the Gateway into failover mode, set this to failover for this scenario. |
Main Cluster | |
Failover Cluster | |
Internal topics
As the Gateway is stateless, it uses Kafka topics to store its internal state. The following environment variables can be used to configure these topics.
Internal State
To keep the Gateway instances stateless, internal state is stored in Kafka topics.
Environment variable | Description | Default value |
GATEWAY_GROUP_ID | Set the consumer group name used by Gateway to consume the internal license topic. This is thanks to this consumer group that the Gateways from the same Gateway cluster will recognize each other. | conduktor_${GATEWAY_CLUSTER_ID} |
GATEWAY_STORE_TTL_MS | Time between full refresh. | 604800000 |
GATEWAY_TOPIC_STORE_KCACHE_REPLICATION_FACTOR | Defaults to the one defined in your cluster settings. | -1 |
Topic Names
Environment variable | Description | Default value |
GATEWAY_LICENSE_TOPIC | Topic where the license is stored. | _conduktor_${GATEWAY_CLUSTER_ID}_license |
GATEWAY_TOPIC_MAPPINGS_TOPIC | Topic where the topics aliases are stored. | _conduktor_${GATEWAY_CLUSTER_ID}_topicmappings |
GATEWAY_USER_MAPPINGS_TOPIC | Topic where the service accounts are stored. | _conduktor_${GATEWAY_CLUSTER_ID}_usermappings |
GATEWAY_CONSUMER_OFFSETS_TOPIC | Topic where the offsets for concentrated topic consumption are stored. | _conduktor_${GATEWAY_CLUSTER_ID}_consumer_offsets |
GATEWAY_INTERCEPTOR_CONFIGS_TOPIC | Topic where the deployed interceptors are stored. | _conduktor_${GATEWAY_CLUSTER_ID}_interceptor_configs |
GATEWAY_ENCRYPTION_CONFIGS_TOPIC | Topic where the encryption configuration is stored, in specific cases. | _conduktor_${GATEWAY_CLUSTER_ID}_encryption_configs |
GATEWAY_ACLS_TOPIC | Topic where the ACLs managed by the Gateway are stored. | _conduktor_${GATEWAY_CLUSTER_ID}_acls |
GATEWAY_AUDIT_LOG_TOPIC | Topic where the Gateway audit log is stored. | _conduktor_${GATEWAY_CLUSTER_ID}_auditlogs |
GATEWAY_VCLUSTERS_TOPIC | Topic where the virtual clusters are stored. | _conduktor_${GATEWAY_CLUSTER_ID}_vclusters |
GATEWAY_GROUPS_TOPIC | Topic where the service account groups are stored. | _conduktor_${GATEWAY_CLUSTER_ID}_groups |
Internal Setup
Environment variable | Description | Default value |
GATEWAY_DOWNSTREAM_THREAD | The number of threads dedicated to handling IO between clients and Conduktor Gateway | number of cores |
GATEWAY_UPSTREAM_THREAD | The number of threads dedicated to handling IO between Kafka and Conduktor Gateway | number of cores |
Feature Flags
Environment variable | Description | Default value |
GATEWAY_FEATURE_FLAGS_AUDIT | Whether or not to enable the audit feature | true |
GATEWAY_FEATURE_FLAGS_INTERNAL_LOAD_BALANCING | Whether or not to enable the Gateway internal load balancing | true |
Environment variable | Description | Default value |
GATEWAY_AUDIT_LOG_SERVICE_BACKING_TOPIC | Target topic name | _auditLogs |
GATEWAY_AUDIT_LOG_REPLICATION_FACTOR_OF_TOPIC | Replication factor to be used when creating the audit topic, defaults to the one defined in your cluster settings | -1 |
GATEWAY_AUDIT_LOG_NUM_PARTITIONS_OF_TOPIC | Number of partitions to be used when creating the audit topic, defaults to the one defined in your cluster settings | -1 |
GATEWAY_AUDIT_LOG_KAFKA_ | Overrides Kafka Producer configuration for Audit Logs ie. GATEWAY_AUDIT_LOG_KAFKA_LINGER_MS=0 |
Environment variable | Description | Default value | Package |
LOG4J2_APPENDER_LAYOUT | The format to output console logging. Use json for json layout or pattern for pattern layout | pattern | |
LOG4J2_IO_CONDUKTOR_PROXY_NETWORK_LEVEL | Low-level networking, connection mapping, authentication, authorization | info | io.conduktor.proxy.network |
LOG4J2_IO_CONDUKTOR_UPSTREAM_THREAD_LEVEL | Requests processing and forwarding. At trace , log requests sent | info | io.conduktor.proxy.thread.UpstreamThread |
LOG4J2_IO_CONDUKTOR_PROXY_REBUILDER_COMPONENTS_LEVEL | Requests and responses rewriting. Logs responses payload in debug (useful for checking METADATA) | info | io.conduktor.proxy.rebuilder.components |
LOG4J2_IO_CONDUKTOR_PROXY_SERVICE_LEVEL | Various. Logs ACL checks and interceptor targettings at debug . Logs post-interceptor requests/response payload at trace | info | io.conduktor.proxy.service |
LOG4J2_IO_CONDUKTOR_LEVEL | Get even more logs not covered by specific packages | info | io.conduktor |
LOG4J2_ORG_APACHE_KAFKA_LEVEL | Kafka log level | warn | org.apache.kafka |
LOG4J2_IO_KCACHE_LEVEL | Kcache log level (our persistence library) | warn | io.kcache |
LOG4J2_IO_VERTX_LEVEL | Vertx log level (our HTTP API framework) | warn | io.vertx |
LOG4J2_IO_NETTY_LEVEL | Netty log level (our network framework) | error | io.netty |
LOG4J2_IO_MICROMETER_LEVEL | Micrometer log level (our metrics framework) | error | io.micrometer |
LOG4J2_ROOT_LEVEL | Root logging level (applies to anything else that hasn't been listed above) | info | (root) |
Product Analytics
Environment variable | Description | Default value |
GATEWAY_FEATURE_FLAGS_ANALYTICS | Conduktor collects basic user analytics to understand product usage and enhance product development and improvement, such as a Gateway Started event. This is not based on any of the underlying Kafka data which is never sent to Conduktor. | true |