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SNI Routing

What is it, what problem does it solve?

SNI routing reduces the number of ports/services that need to be created for Gateway. You might need to do this if you are experiencing a high administrative overhead for managing ports and/or load balancers or if you are limited in how many you can control e.g. a different team manages this.

TL;DR clients need to address individual Kafka brokers through Gateway, when we have limited ports or they can't be updated frequently then 1:1 may not work, in which case we can run multiple broker connections through a single port.

Relevant Context

Background: how does a client interact with Kafka?

Let's start out by describing the networking flow between Kafka clients and a Kafka cluster, using a producer as an example: Using a producer in this example, the producer initiates a connection with a random broker (the famous bootstrap server) and sends a Metadata request.

The broker responds to the producer with the cluster information, indicating which brokers (hostnames and ports) exist in the cluster and which broker is the leader for each topic partition. When the producer wants to send data to a topic partition, it will send a Produce request directly to the leader. The bootstrap-servers are not necessarily involved, unless they host a topic partition as well. Consumers essentially work in the same way.

When we deploy Gateway, to proxy the Kafka traffic, we need to ensure that client requests are forwarded to the right brokers. In order to keep Gateway as stateless as possible we do not store and resolve the mapping of topic-partitions to brokers internally. Instead, we pass this information on to the client which will then try to contact the correct broker through Gateway. Hence, the client must be able to address each broker individually through Gateway. By default, this is done by opening one port per broker on the Gateway.

map broker to port

Defining ports

The starting port defaults to 6969 and can be configured using the GATEWAY_PORT_START environment variable.

Determining the number of brokers can be cumbersome, but made easier by tools such as Conduktor Console (read on for How-To), but it also changes. Luckily Gateway dynamically updates this for you, but your firewall or external config may not be as responsive.

Instead of relying on multiple ports on a Gateway instance we can use SNI routing to just open up a single port on each Gateway instance.

SNI stands for Server Name Indication. It is an extension to the TLS (Transport Layer Security) protocol that allows a client to indicate the hostname of the server it wants to connect to during the initial handshake. This allows the server to determine which certificate to present based on the requested hostname. This enables the hosting of multiple secure "resources" on a single IP address, improving resource utilization and making SSL/TLS deployments more flexible.

SNI routing relies on TLS and server name indication for Gateway to determine to which broker a client request should be forwarded to. This can drastically reduce the administrative overhead for managing ports and/or load balancers. The rest of this guide talks you through setting up SNI routing.

Setting up SNI routing

1. Prepare TLS certificates

The certificate for a Gateway with SNI routing needs to include the Gateway host name as well as a SAN for each broker in the cluster. Alternatively, wildcards can be used in the SAN if supported by your issuer and security team. See below the alternative hostnames and how they can be customized.

2. Configure Gateway

The following table shows the environment variables used to configure Gateway, the config path will be displayed in the logs at Gateway startup and can be used to double-check that the correct value has been set.

Environment VariableConfiguration PathDescriptionMandatoryDefaultPossible values
GATEWAY_ADVERTISED_HOSThostPortconfiguration.advertisedHostNeeds to be set, will be used as base domain for the brokers. For example: conduktor-gateway.sni-demo.localYes
GATEWAY_SECURITY_PROTOCOLauthenticationConfig.securityProtocolThe type of authentication clients should use to connect to the Gateway. Needs to be set to one of the 2 possible values for SNI routing.YesSASL_SSL or SSL
GATEWAY_ROUTING_MECHANISMroutingNeeds to be set to host for SNI routingYeshost
GATEWAY_PORT_STARThostPortConfiguration.portStartThe only port to be exposed by GatewayNo6969
GATEWAY_ADVERTISED_HOST_PREFIXhostPortConfiguration.hostPrefixConfigure the advertised broker names, see below for more detailsNobroker
GATEWAY_SSL_KEY_STORE_PATHauthenticationConfig.sslConfig.keyStore.keyStorePathPath for the mounted keystoreYes
GATEWAY_SSL_KEY_STORE_PASSWORDauthenticationConfig.sslConfig.keyStore.keyStorePasswordPassword of the keystoreYes
GATEWAY_SSL_KEY_PASSWORDauthenticationConfig.sslConfig.keyStore.keyPasswordPassword of the keyYes
GATEWAY_SSL_KEY_TYPEauthenticationConfig.sslConfig.keyStore.keyStoreTypeKeystore typeNojksjks, p12
GATEWAY_SSL_UPDATE_CONTEXT_INTERVAL_MINUTESauthenticationConfig.sslConfig.updateContextIntervalMinutesInterval in minutes to refresh SSL contextNo5
GATEWAY_SNI_HOST_SEPARATORhostPortconfiguration.sniHostSeparatorSet the hosts separator to use while reading your SANs. The value is split on the first occurence of this separator.No-

Optional. Trust store configuration

For client authentication, you can additionally configure a trust store (including path, password, and type).


GATEWAY_ADVERTISED_HOST: cdkgateway.snidemo.local
GATEWAY_SSL_KEY_STORE_PATH: /security/kafka.conduktor-gateway.sni-demo.local.keystore.jks

Given the configuration above, the necessary SANs for the certificate are:


for each broker in the cluster. For example:


In general, the format for the advertised brokers to be included as SANs in the Gateway certificate is:


Here, the cluster_id is used in case we have multiple back-end Kafka clusters, and defaults to main.

Note that the GATEWAY_SNI_HOST_SEPARATOR is used when the hostname is parsed by the Gateway, as follows, to acquire the broker Id:

  1. Match the full host name based on the configured prefix <host_prefix><cluster_id> (using the GATEWAY_ADVERTISED_HOST_PREFIX value)
  2. Remove this prefix, and break the resulting value (<broker_id>-<advertised_host>) into two based on the GATEWAY_SNI_HOST_SEPARATOR value, and pick the first part.

The GATEWAY_SNI_HOST_SEPARATOR may therefore appear in the values for:

  • Cluster Id

But cannot appear in a broker Id.

3. Configure DNS

Once you have your certificates configured, you will next need to create DNS entries which allow the clients to be properly routed to the kafka brokers. Specifically, you will need to create a DNS entry for each Broker in your cluster using the same format as the SANs you specified in your Gateway certificates:


This allows the client the connect to Gateway, for Gateway to then append the relevant broker details when it passes back the connection string for the Broker(s), and the client to look this up in DNS and connect appropriately.

Useful tips for debugging and troubleshooting

  • You can use Console's Broker tab to view the advertised listeners of a Gateway once the initial connection and authentication are successful:

console broker view

  • Alternatively, kcat's metadata list mode (-L) can be used to check whether the right advertised listeners have been configured or how many brokers are in a given cluster.
  • Setting LOG4J2_IO_CONDUKTOR_PROXY_NETWORK_LEVEL to DEBUG might be helpful when debugging issues.

For a rich guide on troubleshooting please refer to the knowledge base article SNI Routing Troubleshooting Guide.