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Data Masking


Field level data masking interceptor masks sensitive fields within messages as they are consumed.


Policies will be actioned and applied when consuming messages.

topicString.*Topics that match this regex will have the interceptor applied
policiesList[Policy]List of your masking policies


nameStringUnique name for identifying your policy
fieldslistList of fields that should be obfuscated with the masking rule. Fields can be nested structure with dot . such as education.account.username, banks[0].accountNo or banks[*].accountNo
schemaRegistryConfigSchemaRegistrySchema Registry


typeMasking TypeMASK_ALLMasking type
maskingCharchar*Character that the data masked
numberOfCharsnumbernumber of masked characters, required if type != MASK_ALL

Masking Type

  • MASK_ALL: data will be masked,
  • MASK_FIRST_N: The first n characters will be masked
  • MASK_LAST_N: The last n characters will be masked

Schema Registry

typestringCONFLUENTThe type of schema registry to use: choose CONFLUENT (for Confluent-like schema registries including OSS Kafka) or AWS for AWS Glue schema registries.
additionalConfigsmapAdditional properties maps to specific security-related parameters. For enhanced security, you can hide the sensitive values using environment variables as secrets.​
Confluent LikeConfiguration for Confluent-like schema registries
hoststringURL of your schema registry.
cacheSizestring50Number of schemas that can be cached locally by this interceptor so that it doesn't have to query the schema registry every time.
AWS GlueConfiguration for AWS Glue schema registries
regionstringThe AWS region for the schema registry, e.g. us-east-1
registryNamestringThe name of the schema registry in AWS (leave blank for the AWS default of default-registry)
basicCredentialsstringAccess credentials for AWS (see below section for structure)
AWS CredentialsAWS Credentials Configuration
accessKeystringThe access key for the connection to the schema registry.
secretKeystringThe secret key for the connection to the schema registry.
validateCredentialsbooltruetrue / false flag to determine whether the credentials provided should be validated when set.
accountIdstringThe Id for the AWS account to use.

If you do not supply a basicCredentials section for the AWS Glue schema registry, the client we use to connect will instead attempt to find the connection information is needs from the environment, and the credentials required can be passed this way to the Gateway as part of its core configuration. More information on the setup for this is found in the AWS documentation.

See more about schema registry here


"name": "myFieldLevelDataMaskingPlugin",
"pluginClass": "io.conduktor.gateway.interceptor.FieldLevelDataMaskingPlugin",
"priority": 100,
"config": {
"schemaRegistryConfig": {
"host": "http://schema-registry:8081"
"policies": [
"name": "Mask password",
"rule": {
"type": "MASK_ALL"
"fields": [
"name": "Mask visa",
"rule": {
"type": "MASK_LAST_N",
"maskingChar": "X",
"numberOfChars": 4
"fields": [

Secured Schema Registry

"name": "myFieldLevelDataMaskingPlugin",
"pluginClass": "io.conduktor.gateway.interceptor.FieldLevelDataMaskingPlugin",
"priority": 100,
"config": {
"schemaRegistryConfig": {
"host": "http://schema-registry:8081",
"additionalConfigs": {
"schema.registry.url": "${SR_URL}",
"basic.auth.credentials.source": "${SR_BASIC_AUTH_CRED_SRC}",
"policies": [
"name": "Mask password",
"rule": {
"type": "MASK_ALL"
"fields": [
"name": "Mask visa",
"rule": {
"type": "MASK_LAST_N",
"maskingChar": "X",
"numberOfChars": 4
"fields": [