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CLI Reference

Conduktor CLI gives you the ability to perform some operations directly from your command line or a CI/CD pipeline.
Check for the list of supported resources and their definition in the dedicated Resources Reference page.

Read more about how the CLI can be used for Kafka Self-service.

Install & Configure

You have 2 options to Install Conduktor CLI:

  • Native binary for individual use and testing
  • Docker build for integration in CI/CD pipelines

Native binary

From Github (Windows, Linux, MacOS)
Download Conduktor CLI from the Releases page on GitHub.
In the Assets lists, download the build that corresponds to your machine (darwin-arm64 for Apple Silicon)

Brew (MacOS)

brew install conduktor/brew/conduktor-cli


docker pull conduktor/conduktor-ctl


To use Conduktor CLI, you need to define 3 environment variables:

  • The URL of Conduktor Gateway API
  • The username & password for the API
export CDK_GATEWAY_BASE_URL=http://localhost:8888
export CDK_GATEWAY_USER=admin
export CDK_GATEWAY_PASSWORD=conduktor

Commands Usage

conduktor [command]

Available Commands:
apply upsert a resource on Conduktor
completion Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
delete delete resource of a given kind and name
get get resource of a given kind
help Help about any command
version display the version of conduktor

-h, --help help for conduktor
-v, --verbose Show more information for debugging


The apply command allows you to deploy any resource.

conduktor apply [flags]

--dry-run Don't really apply change but check on backend the effect if applied
-f, --file stringArray Specify the files to apply
-h, --help help for apply

Global Flags:
-v, --verbose Show more information for debugging


$ conduktor apply -f .
Interceptor/mask-sensitive-fields: NOT_CHANGED
Interceptor/encrypt-topic-customers: NOT_CHANGED
Interceptor/safeguard-all-topics: UPDATED


The delete command allows you to delete a resource.

Please note that the resources are deleted instantly and cannot be recovered once deleted. Any data or access associated with the resource is permanently lost.


$ conduktor delete -f ./directoryOfResources
$ conduktor delete -f resource.yml
$ conduktor delete Interceptor guard-produce-policy --vcluster=passthrough


get resource of a given kind

conduktor get kind [name] [flags]

-h, --help help for get

Global Flags:
-v, --verbose Show more information for debugging


$ conduktor get Interceptor


Check the current version of your CLI using this command

$ conduktor version
Version: v0.3.0
Hash: 9911cbe9b956095ea29394fb1f7da95d39d0625f