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What to do with ksqlDB?

Conduktor shows the most useful informations you need to work with ksqlDB:

  • Streams: real-time streaming!
  • Tables: when you GROUP BY a stream, it gives you a TABLE for instance (aggregation by key for instance)
  • Queries: the running queries on your cluster.
  • Services: you can connect to multiple ksqlDB clusters in Conduktor, each has its own configurations, custom types etc. ksqlDB distinguishes its clusters by the "Service" name.
  • Types: you can create type alias instead of always relying on the raw types (such as address<string, string>, you can now use the address type in your streams and tables)

Conduktor also alerts you in case of problems on your streams, also visible in the details.

Collections Details

The details of the Stream or Table shows many things:

  • The format of the key / value (only Value before 0.14.x)
  • The topic from which the data are read
  • The queries reading from or writing into this stream
  • The fields of the stream / table, to understand the data

Also, Conduktor will be redish in case of record errors:


You can connect to multiple ksqlDB clusters in Conduktor, each has its own configurations, custom types etc. ksqlDB distinguishes its clusters by the "Service" name.

  • The default service name is generally "default_"
  • You can see all the configuration of your service, if the properties have their default value or not
  • Each service has its own custom types and functions
    • New ksqlDB functions can be added to your clusters by deploying a package (.jar)

The configuration of your ksqlDB service

The functions available on your ksqlDB service