Here are some demos to get you started with Conduktor Gateway. Explore the documentation folders on the left to have a look at other scenarios.
As Gateway is quite a technical product, we recommend you to book a demo with us. We'll be happy to help you and your team to get started with the best practices and the best setup for your use case.
Encrypting data in-transit and at-rest
- Field level encryption: Encrypt and decrypt only specific fields
- Full encryption for 3rd Party: Encrypt specific fields for 3rd party consumers
- Encrypting using Vault: Use HashiCorp Vault to encrypt and decrypt data
- Cluster switching/Failover: Transparent failover for your applications
- Multi-tenancy: Build multi-tenancy infrastructure with Kafka
- Topic Concentration: Concentrate multiple topics into a single one for cost savings
- Header injection: Inject headers into your Kafka messages for lineage or chargeback support
- Large messages support: Sending files or large messages through Kafka?
- SQL: Filter and transform your Kafka topics data with SQL without hassle
- Audit: Capture, protect, and preserve authorization activity into topics
- Data Masking: Field-level data masking
- OAuth2 Integration: Secure your Kafka cluster with Keycloak
Chaos Testing
To test the resiliency of your applications, we have many more demos. Here are a few of them:
- Chaos Duplicate Messages: Validate the idempotency of your applications
- Chaos Simulate Invalid Schema ID: Validate the robustness of your applications
Data Quality / Safeguard
Ensure your teams follow technical and business rules and can't break conventions. Help preventing common mistakes and protect your infrastructure and your data from misbehaving clients.
Question about the performance? We get you cover!
As Gateway is quite a technical product, we recommend you to book a demo with us. We'll be happy to help you and your team to get started with the best practices and the best setup for your use case.