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What does audit do?

View the full demo in realtime

You can either follow all the steps manually, or watch the recording

Review the docker compose environment

As can be seen from docker-compose.yaml the demo environment consists of the following services:

  • gateway1
  • gateway2
  • kafka-client
  • kafka1
  • kafka2
  • kafka3
  • schema-registry
cat docker-compose.yaml

Starting the docker environment

Start all your docker processes, wait for them to be up and ready, then run in background

  • --wait: Wait for services to be running|healthy. Implies detached mode.
  • --detach: Detached mode: Run containers in the background
docker compose up --detach --wait

Adding interceptor guard-on-produce

Let's make sure we enforce policies also at produce time!

Here message shall be sent with compression and with the right level of resiliency


"kind" : "Interceptor",
"apiVersion" : "gateway/v2",
"metadata" : {
"name" : "guard-on-produce"
"spec" : {
"comment" : "Adding interceptor: guard-on-produce",
"pluginClass" : "io.conduktor.gateway.interceptor.safeguard.ProducePolicyPlugin",
"priority" : 100,
"config" : {
"acks" : {
"value" : [ -1 ],
"action" : "BLOCK"
"compressions" : {
"value" : [ "NONE", "GZIP" ],
"action" : "BLOCK"
curl \
--silent \
--request PUT "http://localhost:8888/gateway/v2/interceptor" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--user "admin:conduktor" \
--data @step-05-guard-on-produce-interceptor.json | jq

Listing interceptors

Listing interceptors on gateway1

curl \
--silent \
--request GET "http://localhost:8888/gateway/v2/interceptor" \
--user "admin:conduktor" | jq

Creating topic cars on gateway1

Creating on gateway1:

  • Topic cars with partitions:1 and replication-factor:1
kafka-topics \
--bootstrap-server localhost:6969 \
--replication-factor 1 \
--partitions 1 \
--create --if-not-exists \
--topic cars

Produce sample data to our cars topic without the right policies

Produce 1 record ... that do not match our policy

Sending 1 event

"type" : "Fiat",
"color" : "red",
"price" : -1
echo '{"type":"Fiat","color":"red","price":-1}' | \
kafka-console-producer \
--bootstrap-server localhost:6969 \
--request-required-acks 1 \
--compression-codec snappy \
--topic cars

[!IMPORTANT] We get the following exception

> Request parameters do not satisfy the configured policy.
>Topic 'cars' with invalid value for 'acks': 1. Valid value is one of the values: -1.
>Topic 'cars' with invalid value for 'compressions': SNAPPY. Valid value is one of the values: [GZIP, NONE]

Check in the audit log that produce was denied

Check in the audit log that produce was denied in cluster kafka1

kafka-console-consumer \
--bootstrap-server localhost:9092,localhost:9093,localhost:9094 \
--topic _conduktor_gateway_auditlogs \
--from-beginning \
--timeout-ms 3000 \| jq 'select(.type=="SAFEGUARD" and .eventData.plugin=="io.conduktor.gateway.interceptor.safeguard.ProducePolicyPlugin")'

returns 1 event

"id" : "32c8abb3-43a6-4b3c-8848-84253be458f4",
"source" : "krn://cluster=p0KPFA_mQb2ixdPbQXPblw",
"type" : "SAFEGUARD",
"authenticationPrincipal" : "passthrough",
"userName" : "anonymous",
"connection" : {
"localAddress" : null,
"remoteAddress" : "/"
"specVersion" : "0.1.0",
"time" : "2024-11-10T19:47:45.978201638Z",
"eventData" : {
"interceptorName" : "guard-on-produce",
"level" : "error",
"plugin" : "io.conduktor.gateway.interceptor.safeguard.ProducePolicyPlugin",
"message" : "Request parameters do not satisfy the configured policy. Topic 'cars' with invalid value for 'acks': 1. Valid value is one of the values: -1. Topic 'cars' with invalid value for 'compressions': SNAPPY. Valid value is one of the values: [GZIP, NONE]"

Tearing down the docker environment

Remove all your docker processes and associated volumes

  • --volumes: Remove named volumes declared in the "volumes" section of the Compose file and anonymous volumes attached to containers.
docker compose down --volumes