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Features ✨

Overhauled RBAC (Role-Based Access Control)

Our new RBAC has finally arrived! The previous roles 'Editor' and 'Viewer' have been remapped to granular permissions for each associated resource.

You can now precisely configure everything Conduktor & Kafka related to perfectly fit your requirements.

More details can be found on the docs site.

Give us feedback on this feature here.


Public APIs & Support for Automation

We have opened Conduktor to being controlled using APIs.

The first iteration covers the following resources:

  • Manage Clusters
  • Manage Users, Groups and their respective Permissions (linked with our new RBAC!)

To start using the Conduktor API, navigate to API Keys in Settings and generate a new API Key.

Open API documentation portal is available on /docs of your deployment (i.e. http://localhost:8080/docs).

Fow now, only members of the Admin group can generate API Keys and access the API.

Give us feedback on what you would like to see in the API next here. You can also refer to the docs here.

API Token

The following example lists the permissions associated to your group "project-a".

curl -X GET http://localhost:8080/public/v1/groups/project-a/permissions -H "Authorization: Bearer {token}"
"resourceType": "Topic",
"clusterId": "local",
"topicPattern": "projectA-*",
"permissions": [
"resourceType": "ConsumerGroup",
"clusterId": "local",
"consumerGroupPattern": "projectA-*",
"permissions": [


Major performance boost to both the Topic and Consumer Group List pages

Topic List and Consumer Group List are now served by snapshots which lead to a huge performance boost!

To limit the impact on your Kafka Cluster, we have switched from direct AdminClient calls to an intermediate snapshot that we refresh every 30seconds behind the scenes.

You should see a major performance improvement when listing your Topics and Consumer Groups, especially in larger environments. The snapshot serves all of your users which will drastically reduce the number of AdminClient calls in parallel and is updated every 30s.

Service Accounts Page

A new "Service Accounts" item is available in the menu under ACLs. This is a new presentation of the ACLs, grouped by Service Accounts to drastically improve readability. For now it's read-only, so continue to use the ACLs page if you want to Create/Delete ACLs.

Let us know if you want more from this feature by providing feedback.

Service Accounts

Table View in Consume with Quick Filters

When you click a message in the Consume page, you will now see the Table Structure view of the message.

This works for most serializers that render JSON-compatible structures.

Along with each key-value line, you will also have the option to build a filter directly from the message data.

Table View

Precision regarding the timestamp timezone

In order to prevent confusion regarding the timestamp of the message, we have renamed the column 'Timestamp' to 'Timestamp (Local)'. This shows the timestamp in your browser's timezone configuration.

To further alleviate any doubt, you can also mouse over the timestamp in the Consume page, which will present you with the ISO DateTime in UTC.


Fixes 🔨

  • Fixed a UI issue where Clusters configurations that use Kerberos or Oauth did not render properly
  • Fixed a regression where Kafka password was displayed in the logs
  • Disabled IPV6 listener in the docker image
  • Fixed a bug preventing to access Consumer Group Details page from the Consumer Groups tab in Topics Details page
  • Added Connection Pooling to reduce the number of active connections to the database by 25%
  • Removed an error message in Broker page when there was no partition on the cluster
  • Added support for Amazon RDS Proxy

Known issues ⚙️

  • Upon adding a new Kafka Cluster, Built-in Alerts & Custom Alerts are not working. You must restart Conduktor after adding the Kafka Cluster for changes to take effect.