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The Conduktor RBAC system enables you to restrict access to resources and enforce permissions at User and Group granularity. This is a critical step in ensuring that you have control over your Apache Kafka data.

With Conduktor RBAC, you can:

  • Configure access to Conduktor services
  • Configure global permissions across multiple clusters
  • Administer permissions for Kafka resources:
    • Topics
    • Consumer Groups
    • Clusters
    • Subjects
    • Connects

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How to assign permissions?

You can assign two kinds of permissions:

  • Services permissions: to see and/or manage Conduktor Console services
  • Resources permissions: to interact with Kafka resources

And you can assign those permissions to:

  • Users
  • Groups

To do so, you can either click on the name of the user/group, or click on the ... icon on the right of their name, like shown below.

Assign permissions


Please note that permissions are additive, meaning that if a user belongs to multiple groups, they will inherit all the permissions given to these groups. If they have a restricted access to a topic, but belong to a group that has a full access, then they will have a full access too.

Manage Services Permissions

You are able to restrict access to Conduktor Console services. The default set of permissions is the one below:

Services default set

This set of permissions means that the user will have this view of the Admin section (note the available tabs on the left):

Default view

If you check all the boxes, the user will have this view of the Admin section (access to additional settings):

Full access user view

Finally, if you remove their access to Data Masking and/or Topic as a Service, they will still see the modules, but won't be able to access them. Here is an example for Topic as a Service:

Topic as a Service access denied

Manage Resources Permissions

Granular Permissions

The RBAC model is very granular and allows you to go deep into the permissions. Here is a table that recaps the ones you can assign:

TopicsView config
TopicsAdd partitions
Consumer groupsViewer
Consumer groupsReset
Consumer groupsCreate
Consumer groupsDelete
SubjectsEdit compatibility
SubjectsCreate / Update
Kafka connectorsView task & status
Kafka connectorsView config
Kafka connectorsEdit config
Kafka connectorsDeploy
Kafka connectorsDelete
Kafka connectorsRestart
Kafka connectorsPause / Resume
ClustersView ACL
ClustersManage ACL
ClustersView broker
ClustersEdit broker
ClustersEdit SR compatibility

All these permissions can be applied on one specific cluster, or all your clusters.


When you define a permission, you might want it to be applied to:

  • A specific topic, by typing my-topic for instance
  • All the topics, by using a wildcard *
  • A subset that starts with a certain prefix, by typing my-prefix-*

Here is an example of those three cases within the UI:

Prefixes examples

The exact same works for other Kafka resources.

Quick Select

In order to win some time during the permissions creation, you can use the Quick select to give a default set of permissions.

Quick select

The screenshots below show the different Quick select sets of permissions depending on the resource.

Topics quick select Consumer groups quick select Subjects quick select Kafka connectors Clusters For the Clusters permissions, the first set is for Viewer, and the second one is for Admin.

If the Quick select doesn't fit your need, you can still Select permissions manually by checking the exact boxes you need.


Here is an example of a set of permissions given to Alice:

Alice example

We can see that this is a recap of all the permissions this user has.

In blue, we have the permissions Alice inherits from the group Project A, and in white the ones that are assigned to her directly.

This set of permissions gives her:

  • A full access to the topic alice-private-topic and to the consumer group alice-consumers, on the cluster Local Kafka
  • Some actions on all the topics and consumer groups that start with the prefix app-a-, on all the clusters, that she inherits from the group Project A