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API Reference


The Conduktor REST API can be used to manage your organizations Users, Groups and their associated Permissions. Additionally, it can be used to interact with Kafka resources that are added to your organization such as Clusters and Certificates.

Open API documentation portal is available on /docs of your deployment host (e.g. http://localhost:8080/docs).

Currently, only members of the Admin group can generate API keys and access the API.


Note that complete documentation for all endpoints is contained within the API documentation portal.

Access the Open API specification

The Open API documentation portal is available on /docs of your deployment host

e.g. http://localhost:8080/docs

From within the API documentation portal, you can download the OpenAPI specification. This allows you to import the OpenAPI specification in tools such as Postman.


Generate an API key

To start using the Conduktor API, navigate to the 'API Keys' tab in Settings and generate a new API Key.

Select Create API Key to generate a new API key.


Example request


Note that complete documentation for all endpoints is contained within the API documentation portal.

The following example lists the permissions associated with your group "project-a".

curl -X GET http://localhost:8080/public/v1/groups/project-a/permissions -H "Authorization: Bearer {token}"
"clusterId": "local",
"topicPattern": "projectA-*",
"permissions": [
"resourceType": "Topic"
"clusterId": "local",
"consumerGroupPattern": "projectA-*",
"permissions": [
"resourceType": "ConsumerGroup"