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Deploys an Interceptor on the Gateway

apiVersion: gateway/v2
kind: Interceptor
name: enforce-partition-limit
# scope:
# vCluster: aaa
# group: bbb
# username: ccc
pluginClass: "io.conduktor.gateway.interceptor.safeguard.CreateTopicPolicyPlugin"
priority: 100
topic: "myprefix-.*"
min: 5
max: 5
action: "INFO"

Interceptor checks:

  • metadata.scope is optional (default empty).
  • metadata.scope.[vCluster | group | username] combine with each other to define the targeting
  • spec.pluginClass is mandatory. Must be a valid Interceptor class name from our available Interceptors
  • spec.priority is mandatory
  • spec.config is a valid config for the pluginClass

Interceptor Targeting

You can activate your Interceptor only in specific scenarios. Use the table below to configure Targeting settings.

Use casemetadata.scope.vclustermetadata.scope.groupmetadata.scope.username
Global Interceptor (Including Virtual Clusters)Set to nullSet to nullSet to null
Global Interceptor (Excluding Virtual Clusters)EmptyEmptyEmpty
Username TargetingEmptyEmptySet
Group TargetingEmptySetEmpty
Virtual Cluster TargetingSetEmptyEmpty
Virtual Cluster + Username TargetingSetEmptySet
Virtual Cluster + Group TargetingSetSetEmpty

You can deploy multiple interceptors with the same name using a different targeting scope. This will effectively override the configuration for the scope.


The order of precedence from highest (overrides all others) to lowest (most easily overridden) is:

  • ServiceAccount
  • Group
  • VirtualCluster
  • Global


# This interceptor targets everyone (Including Virtual Clusters)
apiVersion: gateway/v2
kind: Interceptor
name: enforce-partition-limit
vCluster: null
goup: null
username: null

# This interceptor targets everyone (Excluding Virtual Clusters)
apiVersion: gateway/v2
kind: Interceptor
name: enforce-partition-limit

# This interceptor targets only `admin` service account
apiVersion: gateway/v2
kind: Interceptor
name: enforce-partition-limit
username: admin

# This interceptor targets only `read-only` virtual cluster
apiVersion: gateway/v2
kind: Interceptor
name: enforce-partition-limit
vCluster: read-only


GatewayServiceAccount is generally optional when using Oauth, mTLS or Delegated Backing Kafka authentication.

GatewayServiceAccount resource is enabled or not depending on your Gateway configuration.
This is to prevent you to declare a resource that is incompatible with your current configuration:

GATEWAY_SECURITYLOCAL GatewayServiceAccountEXTERNAL GatewayServiceAccount
SSL🚫only if mTls
SASL_PLAINTEXTonly if OAuth configured
SASL_SSLonly if OAuth configured

There are a few cases where you must declare GatewayServiceAccount objects:

  • Creating Local Service Accounts
  • Renaming Service Accounts for easier clarity when using Interceptors
  • Attaching Service Accounts to Virtual Clusters
# External User renamed
apiVersion: gateway/v2
kind: GatewayServiceAccount
name: application1
- 00u9vme99nxudvxZA0h7
# Local User on Virtual Cluster vc-B
apiVersion: gateway/v2
kind: GatewayServiceAccount
vCluster: vc-B
name: admin
type: LOCAL

GatewayServiceAccount checks:

  • When spec.type is EXTERNAL:
    • spec.externalNames must be a non-empty list of external names. Each name must be unique across all declared GatewayServiceAccount.
    • At the moment we only support a list of one element. Support for multiple externalNames will be added in the future.

GatewayServiceAccount side effects:

  • When spec.type is EXTERNAL:
    • During Client connection, the authenticated user will be checked against the list of externalNames to decide which GatewayServiceAccount it is.
  • When spec.type is LOCAL:
    • Access to /gateway/v2/tokens endpoint to generate a password for this Service Account
    • Switching a GatewayServiceAccount spec.type from LOCAL to EXTERNAL does not invalidate previously emitted tokens. They will keep on working for their TTL)


Gateway Group lets you add multiple users in the same GatewayGroup for easier Interceptor targeting capabilities.

# Users added to the group manually
apiVersion: gateway/v2
kind: GatewayGroup
name: group-a
- name: admin
- vCluster: vc-B
name: "0000-AAAA-BBBB-CCCC"

GatewayGroup checks:

  • spec.members[].name is mandatory.
    • Currently, the username needs to refer to an existing GatewayServiceAccount otherwise it will fail. This is a known issue that we'll address in a further release.
  • spec.members[].vCluster is optional. Must refer to an existing Virtual Cluster. When not using Virtual Clusters, don't set this attribute.

GatewayGroup side effects:

  • All members of the group will be affected by Interceptors deployed with this group's scope.


Concentration Rules allow you to define patterns where topic creation won't generate a physical topic, but will instead use our Topic Concentration feature.

apiVersion: gateway/v2
kind: ConcentrationRule
# vCluster: vc-B
name: toutdanstiti
pattern: titi-.*
delete: titi-delete
compact: titi-compact
deleteCompact: titi-cd
autoManaged: false
offsetCorrectness: false

ConcentrationRule checks:

  • metadata.vCluster is optional. Must refer to an existing Virtual Cluster. When not using Virtual Clusters, don't set this attribute.
  • spec.physicalTopics.delete is mandatory. Must be a valid topic name with a cleanup.policy set to delete
  • spec.physicalTopics.compact is optional. Must be a valid topic name with a cleanup.policy set to compact
  • spec.physicalTopics.deleteCompact is optional. Must be a valid topic name with a cleanup.policy set to delete,compact
  • spec.autoManaged is optional, default false
  • spec.offsetCorrectness is optional, default false

ConcentrationRule side effects:

  • Once the Concentration Rule is deployed, topics created with a name matching the spec.pattern will not be created as real Kafka topics but as Concentrated Topics instead.
  • Depending on the topic's cleanup.policy, the topic's data will be stored in one of the configured physical topics.
  • If a topic creation request is made with a cleanup.policy that isn't configured in the ConcentrationRule, topic creation will fail.
  • It is not possible to update cleanup.policy of a concentrated topic.
  • If spec.autoManaged is set to true, the underlying physical topics and configurations will be automatically created and/or extended to honour the topics configurations.
  • If spec.offsetCorrectness is set to true, Gateway will maintain a list of offsets for each of the Concentrated Topic records.
    • This allows for a proper calculation of Message Count and Consumer Group Lag.
    • There are some limitation. Read more about Offset Correctness here
  • If spec.offsetCorrectness is set to false, Gateway will report the offsets of the backing topic records.

If a ConcentrationRule spec changes, it will not affect previously created Concentrated Topics.
It will only affect the Topics created after the change.


A Virtual Cluster allows you to isolate one or more service accounts within a logical cluster. Any topic or consumer group created within a Virtual Cluster will be accessible only to that specific Virtual Cluster.

A Virtual Cluster acts like a Kafka within a Kafka.

apiVersion: gateway/v2
kind: VirtualCluster
name: "mon-app-A"
aclEnabled: true # defaults to false
- username1
- username2

VirtualCluster checks:

  • must be a valid topic prefix.
  • spec.aclEnabled is optional, default false.

VirtualCluster side effects:

  • All topics and consumer groups will be created on the physical Kafka with a prefix But, they will appear on the VirtualCluster without the prefix.
  • Users can be associated to the VirtualCluster through the GatewayServiceAccount resource.
  • When spec.aclEnabled is set to true, you can configure the superUsers using the spec.superUsers list. You will have to manage the ACLs of other service accounts as you would with any other Kafka.


An Alias Topic allows a real Kafka topic to appear as a logical topic within the Gateway. This is useful for aliasing topics or making a topic accessible within a Virtual Cluster.

apiVersion: gateway/v2
kind: AliasTopic
name: name1
vCluster: vCluster1
physicalName: physicalName1