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Getting Started with the Docs

These documents allow you to setup, configure and explore Conduktor Console.

If you are looking at setting up Console, review the installation.

Need to further configure Console for your specific setup, review the configuration options.

Want to maximise what you can get from Console dive into the Navigation.

What is Conduktor Console?

The Conduktor Console is a powerful UI for Apache Kafka. The Console equips users with functionality to support many essential tasks when working with Kafka.

Console Home page

Access and Manage Kafka resource. Explore topics, reset consumer offsets, manage ACLs, deploy & restart connectors, are just some of the things you can do.

Console Consume page

Self-service. Solve some of the most recurring problems associated with working with Kafka at scale. Ownership of resources, access request management, topic discvoerability, governance policies, and much more!

Secure Kafka. Import your existing groups, configure detailed permissions for your users, set up your external integrations, review audit logs as well as much more.

Monitor Kafka. The cluster, topics and consumer groups. Creating alerts to notify you based on Kafka metrics we collect for you.

See Navigation for more details.


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Happy reading 😃.