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What is cluster switching?

Conduktor Gateway's cluster switching allows hot-switch the backend Kafka cluster without having to change your client configuration, or restart Gateway.

This features enables you to build a seamless disaster recovery strategy for your Kafka cluster, when Gateway is deployed in combination with a replication solution (like MirrorMaker, Confluent replicator, Cluster Linking, etc.).

View the full demo in realtime

You can either follow all the steps manually, or watch the recording

Limitations to consider when designing a disaster recovery strategy

  • Cluster switching does not replicate data between clusters. You need to use a replication solution like MirrorMaker to replicate data between clusters
  • Because of their asynchronous nature, such replication solutions may lead to data loss in case of a disaster
  • Cluster switching is a manual process - automatic failover is not supported, yet
  • Concentrated topics offsets: Gateway stores client offsets of concentrated topics in a regular Kafka topic. When replicating this topic, there will be no adjustments of potential offsets shifts between the source and failover cluster
  • When switching, Kafka consumers will perform a group rebalance. They will not be able to commit their offset before the rebalance. This may lead to a some messages being consumed twice

Review the docker compose environment

As can be seen from docker-compose.yaml the demo environment consists of the following services:

  • failover-kafka1
  • failover-kafka2
  • failover-kafka3
  • gateway1
  • gateway2
  • kafka-client
  • kafka1
  • kafka2
  • kafka3
  • mirror-maker
  • schema-registry
  • zookeeper
cat docker-compose.yaml

Review the Gateway configuration

Review the Gateway configuration

cat clusters.yaml

Review the Mirror-Maker configuration

Review the Mirror-Maker configuration


Starting the docker environment

Start all your docker processes, wait for them to be up and ready, then run in background

  • --wait: Wait for services to be running|healthy. Implies detached mode.
  • --detach: Detached mode: Run containers in the background
docker compose up --detach --wait

Creating virtual cluster teamA

Creating virtual cluster teamA on gateway gateway1 and reviewing the configuration file to access it

# Generate virtual cluster teamA with service account sa
token=$(curl \
--request POST "http://localhost:8888/admin/vclusters/v1/vcluster/teamA/username/sa" \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--user 'admin:conduktor' \
--silent \
--data-raw '{"lifeTimeSeconds": 7776000}' | jq -r ".token")

# Create access file
echo """
sasl.mechanism=PLAIN required username='sa' password='$token';
""" >

# Review file

Creating topic users on teamA

Creating on teamA:

  • Topic users with partitions:1 and replication-factor:1
kafka-topics \
--bootstrap-server localhost:6969 \
--command-config \
--replication-factor 1 \
--partitions 1 \
--create --if-not-exists \
--topic users

Send tom and laura into topic users

Producing 2 messages in users in cluster teamA

Sending 2 events

"name" : "tom",
"username" : "",
"password" : "motorhead",
"visa" : "#abc123",
"address" : "Chancery lane, London"
"name" : "laura",
"username" : "",
"password" : "kitesurf",
"visa" : "#888999XZ",
"address" : "Dubai, UAE"


echo '{"name":"tom","username":"","password":"motorhead","visa":"#abc123","address":"Chancery lane, London"}' | \
kafka-console-producer \
--bootstrap-server localhost:6969 \
--producer.config \
--topic users

echo '{"name":"laura","username":"","password":"kitesurf","visa":"#888999XZ","address":"Dubai, UAE"}' | \
kafka-console-producer \
--bootstrap-server localhost:6969 \
--producer.config \
--topic users

Listing topics in kafka1

kafka-topics \
--bootstrap-server localhost:19092,localhost:19093,localhost:19094 \

Wait for mirror maker to do its job on gateway internal topic

Wait for mirror maker to do its job on gateway internal topic in cluster failover-kafka1

kafka-console-consumer \
--bootstrap-server localhost:29092,localhost:29093,localhost:29094 \
--topic _topicMappings \
--from-beginning \
--max-messages 1 \
--timeout-ms 15000 | jq

Wait for mirror maker to do its job on users topics

Wait for mirror maker to do its job on users topics in cluster failover-kafka1

kafka-console-consumer \
--bootstrap-server localhost:29092,localhost:29093,localhost:29094 \
--topic teamAusers \
--from-beginning \
--max-messages 1 \
--timeout-ms 15000 | jq

Assert mirror maker did its job

kafka-topics \
--bootstrap-server localhost:29092,localhost:29093,localhost:29094 \

Failing over from main to failover

Failing over from main to failover on gateway gateway1

curl \
--request POST 'http://localhost:8888/admin/pclusters/v1/pcluster/main/switch?to=failover' \
--user 'admin:conduktor' \
--silent | jq

Failing over from main to failover

Failing over from main to failover on gateway gateway2

curl \
--request POST 'http://localhost:8889/admin/pclusters/v1/pcluster/main/switch?to=failover' \
--user 'admin:conduktor' \
--silent | jq

Produce alice into users, it should hit only failover-kafka

Producing 1 message in users in cluster teamA

Sending 1 event

"name" : "alice",
"username" : "",
"password" : "youpi",
"visa" : "#812SSS",
"address" : "Les ifs"


echo '{"name":"alice","username":"","password":"youpi","visa":"#812SSS","address":"Les ifs"}' | \
kafka-console-producer \
--bootstrap-server localhost:6969 \
--producer.config \
--topic users

Verify we can read laura (via mirror maker), tom (via mirror maker) and alice (via cluster switching)

Verify we can read laura (via mirror maker), tom (via mirror maker) and alice (via cluster switching) in cluster teamA

kafka-console-consumer \
--bootstrap-server localhost:6969 \
--consumer.config \
--topic users \
--from-beginning \
--max-messages 3 \
--timeout-ms 10000 | jq

returns 1 event

"name" : "alice",
"username" : "",
"password" : "youpi",
"visa" : "#812SSS",
"address" : "Les ifs"

Verify alice is not in main kafka

Verify alice is not in main kafka in cluster kafka1

kafka-console-consumer \
--bootstrap-server localhost:19092,localhost:19093,localhost:19094 \
--topic teamAusers \
--from-beginning \
--timeout-ms 10000 | jq

returns 2 events

"name" : "tom",
"username" : "",
"password" : "motorhead",
"visa" : "#abc123",
"address" : "Chancery lane, London"
"name" : "laura",
"username" : "",
"password" : "kitesurf",
"visa" : "#888999XZ",
"address" : "Dubai, UAE"

Verify alice is in failover

Verify alice is in failover in cluster failover-kafka1

kafka-console-consumer \
--bootstrap-server localhost:29092,localhost:29093,localhost:29094 \
--topic teamAusers \
--from-beginning \
--max-messages 3 \
--timeout-ms 15000 | jq

returns 1 event

"name" : "alice",
"username" : "",
"password" : "youpi",
"visa" : "#812SSS",
"address" : "Les ifs"

Tearing down the docker environment

Remove all your docker processes and associated volumes

  • --volumes: Remove named volumes declared in the "volumes" section of the Compose file and anonymous volumes attached to containers.
docker compose down --volumes


Cluster switching help your seamlessly move from one cluster to another!