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API Healthcheck Endpoints

Console Endpoints

Liveness Endpoint


Returns a status 200 when platform-api HTTP server is up.

cURL example
curl -s  http://localhost:8080/platform/api/modules/health/live
# "Ok"

Could be used to set up probes on Kubernetes or docker-compose.

docker-compose probe setup

'curl --fail http://localhost:${CDK_LISTENING_PORT:-8080}/platform/api/modules/health/live',
interval: 10s
start_period: 120s # Leave time for the psql init scripts to run
timeout: 5s
retries: 3

Kubernetes liveness probe

Port configuration
- containerPort: 8080
protocol: TCP
name: httpprobe
Probe configuration
path: /platform/api/modules/health/live
port: httpprobe
initialDelaySeconds: 5
periodSeconds: 10
timeoutSeconds: 5

Readiness/startup Endpoint


Returns readiness of the platform and each module. Modules status :

  • STARTING (initial state)
  • UP
  • DOWN
  • DISABLED (disabled modules by license or manually)

This endpoint returns a 200 status code if all modules are in UP or DISABLED state.

Otherwise, it returns 503 ("Service Unavailable") if at least one module is in STARTING or DOWN state.

cURL example
curl -s  http://localhost:8080/platform/api/modules/health/ready | jq .
# {
# "console": "UP",
# "is_ready": true
# }

Kubernetes startup probe

Port configuration

- containerPort: 8080
protocol: TCP
name: httpprobe
Probe configuration
path: /platform/api/modules/health/ready
port: httpprobe
initialDelaySeconds: 30
periodSeconds: 10
timeoutSeconds: 5
failureThreshold: 30

Console Versions


This endpoint exposes module versions used to build the Console along with the overall Console version.

cURL example
curl -s  http://localhost:8080/platform/api/modules/versions | jq .
# {
# "platform": "1.21.0",
# "console": "059af990fff39541c76c0187edb5ea4e9f9ff69a",
# "console_web": "4786261ab99e5048d997b4ff2538c4747f285a2b",
# }

Cortex Monitoring Endpoints

Cortex Endpoint

/ready on port 9009

Returns a status 200 with response ready if Cortex is running

cURL example
curl -s "http://localhost:9009/ready"

Alertmanager Endpoint

/ready on port 9010

Returns a status 200 with response ready if Alertmanager is running

cURL example
curl -s "http://localhost:9010/ready"

Prometheus Endpoint

/-/healthy on port 9090

Returns a status 200 with response Prometheus Server is Healthy. if Prometheus is running

cURL example
curl -s "http://localhost:9090/-/healthy"