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The Brokers menu lets you explore all your Kafka Cluster related info.

Brokers List

The statistics section provides you with relevant information about the current state of your Kafka Cluster.

  • Number of Brokers
  • Version of your Kafka Cluster
  • Whether all Brokers are configured the same or not

The Brokers List is a summary view of all your Kafka Brokers as well as sizing and partition balance information.

You can click on a specific Kafka Broker to get to the Brokers details page, which will give you detailed information about the Broker configuration.


Graphs Tab

The Brokers Graphs tab lets you visualize the current and past state of your Kafka Cluster over a few metrics:

  • Produce Rate and Consume Rate
  • Disk usage
  • Total partition count
  • Offline, Under replicated and Under min ISR partition count

Graphs can be visualized over 24 hours, 7 days or 30 days periods.


On each metric you have the option to create an Alert. This will open a side panel requesting you to set the parameters to triggers your Alert.


Alerts Tab

The Brokers Alert tab lets you visualize all active alerts associated to this Kafka Cluster.
You can edit them or toggle them on or off.
