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Connector Auto-restart

Sometimes, Kafka Connect tasks experience failures due to transient issues, database which isn't available for a few minutes or a networking issue, etc.

When this happens, Kafka Connect tasks shut down and you need to manually start the tasks again.

Enable Auto-restart

Conduktor lets you enable Auto-restart on any connector instance. Once enabled, you can additionally configure the delay (default 10 minutes) between 2 consecutive restart attempts.

How Auto-restart works

Every minute, Console will check for failed tasks for this Connector. For failed tasks:

  • If the Auto-restart process hasn't tried to restart the task in the past 10 minutes (configurable):
    • Capture the task error message
    • Restart the failed task
  • Otherwise, do nothing

Auto-restart history

You can review all the occurrences when Auto-restart triggered and the error message of the failed task before restarting.

Kafka Connect auto-restart