Terraform Reference
The Conduktor Terraform Provider gives you the ability to perform some operations on Conduktor Console state directly from existing Terraform Infrastructure-as-Code environment.
- Conduktor Terraform Provider is currently in Alpha and doesn't support all Conduktor resources at this time.
- Let us know if you have feedback or wish to be a design partner.
Install & Configure
The provider should be installed automatically with terraform init
, but it's recommended to pin a specific version or range of versions using the following required_providers
terraform {
required_providers {
conduktor = {
source = "conduktor/conduktor"
version = "~> X.Y" # where X.Y is the current major version and minor version
To use the Conduktor Terraform Provider, you need to define some minimal configuration:
- The URL of Conduktor Console
- The authentication mechanism
- Using an API key
- Using local user (usually admin account) credentials
You can find the full configuration reference here.
Using API key authentication
# configure provider
provider "conduktor" {
console_url = "http://localhost:8080"
api_token = "your-api-key"
There are 2 types of API Keys:
- Admin API Key
- Self-service Application API Key
Admin API Keys grant the maximum permissions on Console. They are generated either from the UI or using the CLI.
- UI
# Generate a key named my-admin-key
$ conduktor token create admin my-admin-key
Navigate to Settings > API Keys
Select New API Key to generate a new API key.
Self-service Application API Key permissions are limited to the scope of the ApplicationInstance for which they have been generated. Check the Self-service documentation for more details. They can be obtained either from the UI or using the CLI.
- UI
$ conduktor token create application-instance -i=<my-app-instance> my-app-instance-key
Navigate to Applications, pick your Application, then under Application Instances tabs, you will find a button to generate an API Key:
Using short lived user credentials authentication
This type of API Key will have the permissions of the user who created it. It is forged at provider configuration using login API, and it only works for Local Users or LDAP users. Short-lived User API Keys will be valid for the same duration as the configured Session Lifetime. OIDC users can't be used here.
# configure provider
provider "conduktor" {
console_url = "http://localhost:8080"
admin_email = "console-admin@mycompany.io"
admin_password = "console-admin-password"
Environment variables
Provider configuration also supports environment variables for all attributes.
Environment Variables | HCL Value | Description |
CDK_CONSOLE_URL or CDK_BASE_URL | console_url | Console base url e.g. http://localhost:8080 |
CDK_API_TOKEN or CDK_API_KEY | api_token | Console API Key |
CDK_ADMIN_EMAIL | admin_email | Console user login email |
CDK_ADMIN_PASSWORD | admin_password | Console user login password |
CDK_CERT | cert | Cert in PEM format to authenticate using client certificates |
CDK_INSECURE | insecure | Skip TLS verification flag. Defaults to false |
CDK_CA_CERT | cacert | Root CA certificate in PEM format to verify the Conduktor Console certificate |
CDK_KEY | key | Key in PEM format to authenticate using client certificates |
The configuration resolution is (by order of priority) :
- HCL values
- Environment variables
- Default values (if applicable)
Provider Usage
Once the provider is configured all currently available resources can be used in the Terraform definition.
Usage Example
Full example of user and group creation using Conduktor Console locally available on port 8080
with default admin account credentials admin@mycompany.io
/ admin_password
# Provider installation configuration
terraform {
required_providers {
conduktor = {
source = "conduktor/conduktor"
version = ">= 0.1.0"
# Provider configuration
provider "conduktor" {
console_url = "http://localhost:8080"
admin_email = "admin@mycompany.io"
admin_password = "admin_password"
# Create example_user, Bob
resource "conduktor_user_v2" "bob" {
name = "bob@mycompany.io"
spec {
firstname = "Bob"
lastname = "Smith"
permissions = [
resource_type = "PLATFORM"
permissions = ["userView", "datamaskingView", "auditLogView"]
# Create a group with Bob as a member
resource "conduktor_group_v2" "example_group" {
name = "team-a"
spec {
display_name = "team-a"
description = "The group of team-a"
members = [ conduktor_user_v2.bob.name ]
permissions = []
Then on a terminal with Terraform installed and in a directory containing conduktor-iac.tf
# Initialize terraform project
terraform init
# Plan to preview the changes Terraform will make to match your configuration.
terraform plan
# Apply to make the planned changes.
terraform apply
Now if you navigate to the Conduktor UI, you will see a new user, Bob, and team-a's group created.
Login using an external SSO (LDAP or OIDC) with email bob@mycompany.io
and you will be recognized by Conduktor, and end up in the team-a
To revert the Conduktor state you can destroy created resources using terraform destroy
For more details on Terraform CLI commands and usage check the Hashicorp documentation.
Available resources
For the full list of resources see the provider page.
Case of the generic
The generic
resource leverage the YAML format used by the CLI to be used as resource definition in Terraform.
This is an experimental resource that has several limitations and is subject to breaking changes in future releases. Do not include in your production workflows as this is unsupported.
More documentation reference
- Terraform introduction
- Terraform HCL documentation
- Terraform CLI documentation
- Conduktor Terraform provider registry