Configure Audit Log Topic
By default, Console's Audit Log is stored in the connected PostgreSQL database. From version 1.28.0, you can have Console emit this Audit Log to a Kafka topic.
Complementing this with the export feature, you can easily integrate the Console Audit Log with your SIEM or log management system.
Let's see how to configure the Audit Log to be sent to a Kafka topic, and then export it as CSV or JSON.
You can find the full list of Audit Log events here.
Send the Console Audit Log to a Kafka Topic
In the Console deployment configuration, you simply have to set the following properties:
CDK_AUDITLOGPUBLISHER_CLUSTER: my-kafka-cluster # Mandatory
CDK_AUDITLOGPUBLISHER_TOPICNAME: _conduktor_console_audit_log # Mandatory
Once you've added these properties in your Console deployment configuration, simply restart it.
This will create a new topic (if it doesn't exist) in the cluster named my-kafka-cluster
. This new topic will be named _conduktor_console_audit_log
, and will have 1 partition and a replication factor of 1.
Please note that the principal used by Console to connect to your Kafka cluster must have the following minimum set of permissions:
Topics: Create, Describe, DescribeConfigs, Write Cluster: Create, Describe, DescribeConfigs
If you don't see the topic _conduktor_console_audit_log
in your Kafka cluster, you can check the Console logs for any error message, but first be sure to check if internal topics are Hidden.
Otherwise, this is probably because of a misconfigured name of the Kafka cluster. In that case, you will see this message showing up regularly in the logs:
Failed to publish audit log event: Not found. Could not find cluster my-kafka-cluster
Please make sure that the Kafka cluster name matches with the ID you can see in the clusters dropdown in the Console:

Export the Audit Log
In order to export the Audit Log from this Kafka topic, you should go to the Consume page of this topic in the Console.
Here, click on the ...
button on the top right of the records table, and select either Export to CSV
or Export to JSON
You can now import that file in your SIEM or log management system.