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External Groups Mapping


External groups mapping allows you to integrate Conduktor's RBAC system with your LDAP or OIDC source of truth. When you map an external group, the user is added to the Conduktor Console group at login.

This mechanism ensures a user inherits necessary group permissions, and that they are removed accordingly from Conduktor groups if their external membership changes.


You must first configure SSO to an LDAP or OAuth2.0 identity provider. In addition to the properties required for the default configuration, you must also add the relevant group properties and create the scope in your IdP.


For LDAP, populate the groups-base and groups-filter attributes.

For more information see configuration properties and environment variables.

- name: "default"
server: "ldap://"
managerDn: "cn=admin,dc=conduktor,dc=io"
managerPassword: "pass"
search-base: "dc=conduktor,dc=io"
groups-base: "dc=conduktor,dc=io"
groups-filter: "member={0}"


For OIDC, populate the groups-claim attribute. You can find some examples by selecting your identity providers in this list.

For more information see configuration properties and environment variables.

- name: "<IdP>"
client-id: "<client ID>"
client-secret: "<client secret>"
groups-claim: "<groups claim>"
issuer: "<issuer>"

Create an External Group Mapping

Now that LDAP or OIDC is configured, you can create the mapping between external groups and Conduktor groups. You have two options for that:

  • Map a new Conduktor group to an external group
  • Map an existing Conduktor group to an external group

Create a new group with an external group mapped

From within Admin, navigate to the Users & Groups screen and select the Groups tab.

  • Provide the Name, Description and select Activate external groups mapping
  • Provide 1 or more LDAP/OIDC groups

In the above example, any users that are present in the group project-a in your IdP, will be added to the Conduktor group Project A, and will inherit permissions that are set against it. To learn how to use Conduktor's RBAC system to enforce permissions, see RBAC.

Map an existing Conduktor group to an external group

From within the Groups screen, select the breadcrumbs next to an existing group and select Map external groups.

The value to set depends on the IdP you use. For example, for Azure, you must put the Object ID of your groups. For Keycloak, this is the name of the group.

Once you have mapped external groups, use Conduktor's RBAC system to enforce permissions.